RC Preparing for Pandemics Encompasses Several Aspects Essay

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Health Medical

Rasmussen University


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Module 06 Content 1. Instructions The global healthcare company you work for is continuing its project on offering outreach care in clinics in underserved countries. They have learned about the Global Grand Challenge hosted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Their grant team will be creating a formal proposal for funding for their various community health outreach programs. Your team has been asked to identify the key topics that need to be covered in the proposal. Click on the following website: https://intelligence.weforum.org/topics/a1Gb00000038pGiEAI?tab=publications On the website, click on one of the circles to illuminate all factors that need to be taken into consideration for the different elements of global health. Choose one of the key elements to focus on in your paper: o Shifting Demographics and Lifestyles o Environmental Health & Climate Change o Sustainable Development &Universal Coverage o Preparing for Pandemics o Data Collection & Communication o Global Health Governance Write a 2- 3 page paper outlining the key components for one of the specific elements from the list above that need to be taken into consideration when the grant team writes their proposal. Be sure there is an APA formatted title page and reference page. Research 2 outside articles regarding the specific element selected. Add two graphics that help support the selected element.
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Preparing for Pandemics
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Preparing for Pandemics

Usually, pandemics are sudden and unexpected hence a threat that countries worldwide
need to prepare for. Over the years, health outbreaks and epidemics have become increasingly
complicated, making it challenging for the existing global health care systems to mitigate and
eradicate the menace. Vulnerabilities and rapid transmissions will continue to be a threat until
countries worldwide embrace measures in preparing and dealing with pandemics. Preparing for
pandemics encompasses several aspects such as pandemic preparedness and response, the fourth
industrial revolution, Africa, vaccination, China, and international trade and investment. In
addition, the preparation includes factors such as migration, risk and resilience, digital
communications, COVID-19, humanitarian action, agile governance, and the future of
computing. This paper seeks to examine the key elements involved in preparing for pandemics.
Incorporating pandemic preparedness, infection surveillance, and response measures in
quality health systems accessible to all individuals is fundamental. Resultantly, this ensures
massive protection from disease outbreaks, saving lives and funds. The medical care sector has
served an imperative purpose in responding to pandemics, including the recent coronavirus
outbreak. Furthermore, the sector is making contributive efforts towards preventing future
outbreaks by strengthening the resilience of the care systems (Taylor, 2019). Based on the past
epidemics, society has learned measures necessary for response and combating infections.
Firstly, there is the 'flattening' phase which is essential in maintaining low figures of casualties
not to overwhelm the health systems. Secondly, there is the 'fighting' stage of balancing
economic, social, and health aftermaths while distributing vaccines (World Economic Forum,
2021). Lastly, there is the ‘future’ stage involving the transformation of related businesses into
opportunities while optimizing the medical care systems.



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