Lone Star College Application Impression Formation Paper

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Lone Star College


Reflection Paper #2: Impression Formation

What are some of the ways that you form impressions of others online? Have you ever judged people based on what photos they post on Facebook/Snapchat or what they write on Twitter? Have you ever found these impressions to be misleading or inaccurate? Have these impressions changed your online behaviors?

Review your best friend's (or a parent or sibling might work as well) Facebook profile. (If you don't use Facebook, you can use someone's Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, LinkedIn, or other online profile.) Really study the information that is posted there-- both in content and types of information. And, remember it may be the things this person ISN'T posting as well as through the things that ARE posted. Reflect on chapter three, where it discusses Forming Impressions of Others Online (pg. 67) and discuss how accurate this profile is. Does this truly reflect this person? Why or why not? This should be a longer reflection. What aren't they showing about themselves? What are the amplifying? Why do you think they are doing this?

Reflection Paper #3: Nonverbal Behaviors

Write about an incident in which another person misinterpreted your nonverbal communication and about another incident in which you misunderstood or misinterpreted the nonverbal communication of someone else. Why do you think that nonverbal communication can be so ambiguous? Why is it so easy to misunderstand the nonverbal communication of another person? Now that you have learned about nonverbal communication, what are some of the most interesting/impactful things that you can apply in your interpersonal relationships?

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Reflection Paper #2: Impression Formation

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Impression Formation
I am a frequent social media user, especially Facebook. My impressions of others online
are based on their characteristics, personality traits, situation context, and experience drawn from
observed past characteristics. I am the kind of person who forms an impression about others
without even extracting more information about that person. For instance, my impression of a
woman wearing a decent dress with natural hair or tidy hair will not be the same impression as a
woman wearing a crop top, booty short, and dyed hair. I usually judge other people, especially
new friends, based on photos they post on Facebook. For instance, whenever a person sends me a
friend request, I first review his/her timeline. From there, the content displayed dictates whether I
will accept or delete the friend request.
I chose to review my sibling's Facebook account, who is also the firstborn in our family.
Since I know his actual behaviors, it will be easy to conclude whether impressions drawn from
users' content on social media platforms are correct or incorrect. My sibling's name is Jay. The
review of his Facebook account started with the profile picture. First, the person in the profile
picture was not him, but Michael Jackson, a famous musician. The cover photo was an image of a
roaring lion. More than 60% of the content in his timeline was about football. In most cases, he
updated almost all Chelsea games and result.
Other contents p...

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