For this Application, assume that your unit has been using the ANSI EDI standard, but you have decided to employ a new solution that works with most standards except ANSI EDI. Your task is to find a means to provide the same elements and metadata that the ANSI EDI standard provides.
- Choose a sample file that uses ANSI EDI structure and copy it into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or similar program.
- In a Microsoft Word document, define each data element within a row or column that corresponds with the values.
- Identify a new standard you will use, other than the ANSI EDI standard. Open another worksheet labeled with this standard. Within the new worksheet, identify the new data elements for the standard you chose.
- Populate the required fields with data concerning a fictitious patient.
- Describe in 1-2 pages, written in APA style, what file format you would choose and why. Detail how you would change the file format.
Copy the spreadsheets into the Word document that contains the description and submit one document.

Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.I have tried looking for a sample file that uses ANSI EDI structureThis part does not realy seem to need to be worked on If you could help me get one and do something about it then thats fineHowever i have completed the other part that needs me to identify another standard other than ANSI EDI and completed the assignmentLet me know in case you need me to do anything else or make any adjustmentsThank you
Data elements of the header
of a Clinical Document Architecture
Document information
Patients cummulative medical expenses
Encounter data
laboratory tests