Louisiana State University Emotional Labor Discussion

User Generated



Louisiana State University


zoom lecture:

https://osu.zoom.us/rec/share/08RV67xj9Do-q6cs-6kxoJ8RczRTI_KppWrXib009C8VhxCcHSPzL-UY6LJUzs8i.ic0RxB4e668nMpvW (Links to an external site.)

Read: https://ohsonline.com/articles/2020/07/09/coronavirus-disproportionately-harming-low-income-workers-among-other-groups.aspx (Links to an external site.)

https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2021-03-23/shortage-of-primary-care-doctors-is-costing-american-lives (Links to an external site.)

https://today.duke.edu/2020/07/why-covid-19-exposing-health-disparities (Links to an external site.)

Check out these stats: https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2017/95-percent-of-managers-and-39-percent-of-service-workers-offered-medical-benefits-in-march-2017.htm (Links to an external site.)

https://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/home.htm (Links to an external site.)

Watch:  videos

https://abcnews.go.com/Health/video/health-care-workers-face-pandemic-mental-health-emergency-75913311 (Links to an external site.)

work place violence in hospitals

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfS9dIjObjA (Links to an external site.)

Write: Separate out your responses to each prompt into a separate paragraphs.

1.  Chapter 15:  Recall from the chapter the discussion of “emotional labor,” which sociologist Arlie Hochschild suggests is a characteristic of the modern service economy. Emotional labor is, in a sense, the new physical labor – sold for a wage, used for a company’s profit, and perhaps a source of alienation and exploitation. Think about jobs you have held or currently hold .  Have any of you held jobs requiring “emotional labor?”  Do you think that emotional labor has intensified in  service economy since the reopening during the pandemic?  Why or why not?  Give an example of what that might look like so we can understand your experience.  (2 points)

2. After reviewing the discussion power point material and chapters 15 and 16 think about the following issues:

  • growth of the service sector jobs, and gig economy, that may not offer health insurance. 
  • About 30 million Americans do not have health insurance
  • African Americans and Hispanic Americans have persistently lower access to health care insurance and BIPOC are more likely to experience disparities in care.

Considering these issues, what kind of health care model (think about material from Chapter 16) would you implement to address this issue?  Give a rationale for your choice using the material from the chapters and the readings/video. (2 points)

3. After watching the videos and the power point,  how should the safety and mental health of health care workers be addressed? (2 points)

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.

Discussion 7:
1. I believe every job I have ever held has required a large amount of emotional labor.
Throughout high school I worked in a sales & marketing role. This might be the most emotional
labor intensive type of job I could think of, as my entire goal was to get people emotionally
attached enough to a product to the point where they would buy it. I have also worked in wealth
management and am currently working in investment banking. I completely agree with Arlie
Hochschild when she says that emotional labor is the new physical labor. These types of jobs
that I have held all require a significant amount of relationship building. To me, it is like building
a house. Each meeting you have with a client is another brick being laid and over time the
amount of time and effort you have put into that relationship pays off with economic profit. As
far as ...

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