Central Texas College Vietnam War Journal Entries

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Central Texas College


In this second journal activity, you may write about any topic(s) of your choice, but it is best to use the textbook to study.

  • For this activity, topics should address content covered in Chapters 24 - 30 in the textbook.
    • It is expected that, at a minimum, you are reading the assigned textbook chapters.
    • You are encouraged to read collateral historical writings on topics covered in the textbook.
  • This activity will consist of 10 separate journal entries; you will have a total of 20 entries by the end of the course.
  • Each separate entry should:
    • Be titled as Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3, etc.
    • Contain a minimum of 120 words.
    • Consist of a summary, paraphrase, synthesis of material you are reading/studying in this course.
    • Be written in your own words - do not quote the work of others verbatim.
    • Discuss the subject matter that you are studying - do not simply agree/disagree.
  • Your study involves, first and foremost, learning the nation's past; doing so requires a review of previously published studies, so you are encouraged to conduct research using outside resources, but be sure to draft your journal entries in your own words.
    • Direct quotations should not be used; citations are not necessary.
    • Do not copy/paste information from any source.
    • No citations

Explanation & Answer:
1200 Words
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Explanation & Answer

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Journal Entries

Student’s Name
Name of Instructor

Journal Entries
Entry One: Soldiers' experiences
Over 10 million soldiers were recruited throughout WW II. Following the repercussions
of Pearl Harbor, the bulk of individuals (Males) volunteered for the War. World War II enlisted
the services of around eighteen million men. Following that, the guys were taken to basic
training to operate military equipment and weapons. Besides, more experienced fighters would
acquire transmission codes and radio operations, extra tactical training, weapons, and field radio
operation. Many men were carried to the front by trains, trucks, and ships. Soldiers were
observed with their weapons, personal gear, ammunition, bandages, tools, and clothing on their
backs. Sailors were allocated to larger ships to learn how to operate them. They had to live in
cramped quarters. During World War II, an estimated sixty thousand sailors died. The Air Force
was involved in both land and air operations. Amid the conflict, the Air Force
experienced several bombardments. Navigators, machine gunners, pilots, radio operators, and
bombardiers were all needed on larger bombers, such as the B-17 Flying Fortress. Dozens of
airmen perished during WW II. Also, soldiers on the ground faced various challenges based on
their location. Soldiers in Europe, for instance, would face bitterly cold winters.
Entry Two: America and The Soviet Union
The Soviet Union was founded in 1922, shortly after World War I ended. The Soviet
Union was made up of several Asians and Europeans, the largest of which is Russia. Economic,
Ideological, and Political issues all had a role in the conflict between the Soviet Union and
America. Because of their opposing political forces, these two nations have frequently been
difficult to reach an agreement on important political matters. They were also on the verge of
War due to the Cuban missile crisis. The withdrawal of Russia from WWI was widely seen as

the beginning of the conflict...

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