Carrington College Boise Social Behaviors & Perception Discussion

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Carrington College Boise


topic 1

Have you ever been stigmatized? If so, explain why (e.g., having a birth defect, being overweight, having a family member who was stigmatized, committing a crime). If not, describe someone who you consider to be deviant and what specific behaviors or characteristics contributed to your assessment.

topic 2

What are three agents that affect social behaviors? Provide a rationale for your choices.

topic 3


Consider a situation in which your first impression of someone turned out to be inaccurate. Briefly describe the situation and discuss your first impressions. What led to this impression? What were your perceptions of the situation and person? What led you to change your perception? In addition to sharing your experience, please think about the concepts you learned this week in your reading on perception and apply it.

Explanation & Answer:
3 Topics 1 Paragraph Each
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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.

Have you ever been stigmatized? If so, explain why. If not, describe someone who you consider
to be deviant and what specific behaviors or characteristics contributed to your assessment.
Answer: I have not been stigmatized, although some of my relatives are members of a minority group.
One of my relative is a lesbian, and she had expressed to me that in the past she had faced
discrimination for being different. Some people do not approve of her sexual orientation, but I
personally do not find it to be an issue; she is still able to do her job just like everyone else. The specific
behaviors that contributed to my assessment are that she appears to be more open with her sexuality,
as well as the fact that she is willing to talk openly about her relationship with her girlfriend, who is also
a lesbian. I personall...

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