Nursing Research Article Critique Discussion and Paper, health & medical homework help

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Health Medical

NUR3165 Research Nursing

Miami Dade College


This is a two part assignment, on a recent nursing research article, Part 1 is a discussion on the article 250-300 words answering the questions listed, Part 2 is a critique paper on the same article.

PART 1 Experimental Research


  1. Please find an experimental or quasi-experimental or descriptive article you would like to use for the article critique assignment. Make sure it is from a nursing journal and is not older than five years.
  2. Review the article and provide a brief summary of the article.
    1. Discuss whether you think the article is true-experimental, quasi-experimental, or no experimental. You must also state what type of quantitative design (descriptive, correlational etc.)
    2. Where was the setting of the study?
    3. What are the sampling methods?
    4. What are the variables being measured?
    5. What data collections methods were used?
    6. What is the intervention?
  3. Your post should be a minimum of 250-300 words.
    • Back up your arguments with reliable evidence.
      The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to critique one quantitative or qualitative nursing research article of interest from any refereed nursing journal.
    • Choose a nursing research article of interest from a refereed nursing journal.
    • Utilize at least 5 cite sources to substantiate your findings or critique.
    • Visit the following website for suggested guidelines:'
    • Create a 3-4 page critique
    • Follow APA style rules.
    • View rubric Part 1 & Part 2 for grading.


Dear students<

It seems that many of you are confused by this assignment. The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate your understanding of the research methods and writing First, every paper must have a title. Paper with a title Research critique are unacceptable. At this level of your educational career it is imperative to demonstrated good use of the writing skills learned in previous course.s Furthermore, every paper must have an introduction that explain to their readers about the topic to be discussed. For example , Nursing Shortage, fable or fact. A critique of a descriptive correlational study . The paper generally should start with an introduction in which you summarize the paper briefly. This should be follow by stating the purpose of the paper. This paper will analyze `a quantitative descriptive study using the John Hopkins critique model ( you may use other models)

The purpose is for you to evaluate every part of the article . This is achieve by comparing what ought to be. was the introduction guided the reader to the significance of the problems? What about the problem statement are the variables identified?What about the literature review? Was inclusive, comprehensive Did identify the gaps ? . What about the hypothesis? what about the results? For example, if the article findings claim correlation . How correlation was achieved? what statistical methods were use? Sample size, sample selection , limitations?

Please read your textbook and identify the methods used in your chosen article.


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Explanation & Answer

Below are the other parts separately. Kindly confirm the paper "part 1 and Part 2" and let me know if its okay


Part 1 Experimental Research




Howard B. Degenholtz, Abby L. Resnick, Natalie Bulger, and Lichun Chia, 2014. Improving
Quality of Life in Nursing Homes: The Structured Resident Interview Approach.
University of Pittsburgh, 130 DeSoto Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15261, USA. Received 5
June 2014; Revised 16 September 2014; Accepted 17 September 2014; Published 9
October 2014
This is no-experimental article because it is a qualitative research and the researcher has applied
the exploratory and descriptive design of research. A phenomenological technique is applied in
which the concepts are generated from the persons who have personal experience of the
circumstances or situations. The study was carried out in Norway, where twenty-four
respondents between the age brackets of fourth to hundred years were selected from six
municipal public nursing homes. Participate persons are chosen to be part of the sample in the
qualitative research is on the basis of first-hand experience with phenomenon interest or social
culture. There are fast and hard conditions about figures (Howard, 2014). The participants were
chosen on the basis of the eligible technique and terms completed by the team. Originally
twenty-four respondents between the age brackets of fourth to hundred years were selected from
six municipal public nursing homes in Norway. But only fifteen respondents of the selected nine
ladies of age bracket of 75 to 90 years and six men of age bracket of age 80 to 95 years were
evaluated to achieve the maximum variation.

The variables being measured are the significance of the nurses generally and the specialized care,
prioritization of the individual demands and prevention of complications. The researcher used the
appropriate method to collect and gather data and information (Howard, 2014). The data and
information were collected by interviewing the residents in an in-depth manner. The article
expresses the care quality according to the point of view of the residents to fulfill and maximize



the psychosocial, medical and physical demands and need in the process of safeguarding their



Howard B. Degenholtz, Abby L. Resnick, Natalie Bulger, and Lichun Chia, 2014. Improving
Quality of Life in Nursing Homes: The Structured Reside...

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