The Technical University of Mombasa Impacts of Ocean Acidification Report

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The Technical University of Mombasa


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1703 Current Events Assignment Instructions 30-01-2018 The assignment will entail the article, a thorough summary of the article in your own words, description of how it relates to the week's topics, your personal reactionreflection about the article and correct MLA citation. Additionally you will need to respond to no less than three of your colleagues current event discussion posts. (See Discussion Board instructions, Etiquette and etiquette for directions on what constitutes a proper peer response Article Selection: . Al articles should be current max of one year old and taken from acable source. The source may be scientific publications, popular magazines, newspapers of the Try the NY Times terpecially Tuesdays. Washington Post National Geographic, Discover Magazine, Scientific American Science, Nature, • Albibliographic information should be visible on the ticle itself or included with the summary. Ty to find a variety of articles at the national and global level that address multiple chronmental . Article should be at least paragraphs long and have enough meat to it that you can summarize the article and add your own opinion to it Summary: Wite one to two paragrah summary of the article in your own words and point out the major more biology The discussed D 2135 Current Events Assignment Instructions BOL.20.000 in Marine Biology is important to know about relevant current in the new. One of my goals for this course is for you to become educated about related to the marine environment because they are Important to our community, our country and our world. We will be reading and discussing a variety of Current events throughout the meter as well. This is great opportunity to start thinking about the ocean and how it affects you and how you afect IT! Over the course of this semester, you will need to find articles that relate to marine blology. Topics include but we noted to physical and chemical features of the ocean fundamentals of biodiversity of Marine We docuing plants and animals wie ecology and recomand the negative impact that Sumantring on the ocean. The current event articles will need to be applicable to the topics covered during the wooks that they are sogned. Reference the schedule on the syllabus to see wheech of these are de you will be finding, reading and reviewing up to 5 Current event articles. YOUR ORIGINAL SUMMARYREACTION POST IS DUE BY THURSDAY NIGHTS AT 11:59PM AND YOUR PEER RESPONSES ARE DUE BY SUNDAY NIGHT AT 11:59 DURING THE WEEKS THESE ARE OUE. Remember once you have posted your review, you will need to respond to a minimum of the other colleagues posts. This means you will need to read the article they posted about and respond to their review and add your own two cents about what you've read in the article they ve chosen The assignment will entail the article, a thorough summary of the article in your own words, description of how it relates to the week's topics, your personal reactionreflection about the article காயோக பாகங்கள்
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Review of The Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Marine Ecosystems and Reliant
Human Communities
The utilization of nonrenewable energy for both household and commercial purposes,
over the past years, has resulted in a massive increase in air pollutants, such as carbon dioxide
(CO2) and other greenhouse gas emissions (Doo et al., 2020). Furthermore, bad agricultural
activities have added to the already contaminated environment. On the other hand, ocean
bodies play an important part in atmospheric purification by absorbing contaminants from the
air but which in turn cause ocean...

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