MKTG 525 DeVry University Marketing Strategy Summary

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Business Finance

MKTG 525

DeVry University



Using a product that you regularly purchase as the example (any good or service), write a one-page summary that answers the following four questions.

Who are the target customers?

What do the target customers want?

  1. What other products, companies, or disruptive technologies is it competing with?
  2. Does the company that produces it have a customer-focused culture? If so, how? If not, how would you recommend it do so?

The following books are required for this course:Principles of Marketing18eKotler, P. and Armstrong, G.2020 Pearson is the book we are using in case you want to reference it.D41116334Password: Chiamaka6.  

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Explanation & Answer

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Marketing Strategy


Marketing Strategy
The success of a product on the market is mostly determined by its marketing strategy in
terms of sales, brand loyalty, reputation, and the general brand image. One American product
that has notable quality and performance usefulness is Apple's iPhone. The iPhone mostly
appeals to young, brand-conscious professionals between e...

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