Project Plan Inception
This is the first of a series of five sequential assignments (the course project) in which you will act as the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of a hypothetical, e-commerce start-up company of your design. A venture capital group has funded this innovative start-up.
The CEO has given you 90 days to deliver an information technology project plan in anticipation of the company relocating to a new facility. Since this is a start-up company, currently no building or technology infrastructure exists to support the business. All information technology (hardware and software) must be implemented in a hosted solution, an on-site solution, or a hybrid model. The CEO expects you to integrate different technologies from a variety of partners and incorporate industry best practices to develop the company’s technological systems.
Part 1: Project Plan Inception
You will write a 5–7 page document outlining the project specifics, such as company background information, company business, and an overview of the company’s information systems infrastructure.
Part 2: Supporting Gantt Chart
You will use Microsoft Project to create a Gantt chart for your e-commerce company project.
You are to create or assume all necessary assumptions to successfully complete this assignment.
You must submit both parts as separate files to the assignment area. Label each file name according to the appropriate part.
Part 1: Project Plan Inception
Write a 5-7 page business requirements document for their hypothetical e-commerce company in which you:
1. Develop your hypothetical e-commerce company's background information. (Refer to this article, Top 10 Largest Ecommerce Companies in the US in 2020, when developing your company’s background information, which outlines the major types of e-commerce companies in existence. Use this as a guide when deciding what background information to include about your hypothetical e-commerce company in your project plan inception document.)
2. . Document your chosen e-commerce company's business type, customers, and demographic information.
3. Describe the key elements of your chosen e-commerce company's information systems infrastructure.
4. Develop a high-level block diagram of your e-commerce company's information systems infrastructure.
5. Use three sources to support your writing. (Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. Access the library or review library guides for help with research, writing, and citation.)
Part 2: Supporting Gantt Chart
Use Microsoft Project to create a Gantt chart in which you:
1. Identify the major and minor tasks, illustrating dependency relationships between activities.

Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.
Project Plan Inception
Project Plan Inception
Hypothetical E-Commerce Company's Background Information
Metro-Mall Inc. is a cutting-edge e-Commerce start-up that has just received funding
from a venture capital firm. The CEO needs an information technology project plan within
six months to prepare for moving to a new building. There is presently no facility or technical
infrastructure to accommodate the firm because it is a start-up. All hardware and software
technologies will be deployed in a hybrid architecture; it has been established. In the creation
of technical systems, the CEO anticipates the implementation of multiple technologies from
multiple stakeholders, as well as the absorption of standard operating procedures. The new
structure is a standalone two-story structure. The firm presently has ten (10) workers and $5
million in sales, but within the next 2 years, it expects to expand to 30 staff and $30 million
in revenue.
Metro-Mall Inc’s Business Type, Customers, and Demographic Information
Metro-Mall Inc. is a firm that aims to establish an online shopping platform for
consumer purchases and facilitate business-to-business transactions. It is scheduled to open
on August 14, 2022, and will be based in Seattle. It now employs ten people and is open from
8 a.m. to 9 p.m. The primary aim is to find new clients, reduce the cost of providing them,
and provide a user experience that will grab a substantial part of the market. The firm's
primary business goals will be to ease online purchasing for clients via the use of mobile and
web applications. It will also participate in online auctions. Business-to-company purchasing
and selling will be a part of e-commerce. It will also use social media to acquire information
about the place (Asih et al., 2019). The corporation will also use e-mail and publications for
advertising items and services to customers. It will also participate in pretail to orient new
services and products, as well as to conduct online money markets for trading reasons. In
addition, the corporation will promote products and services to existing clients. Individuals
and corporates are both objectives for the firm. To attract customers and outcompete its
primary competitors, such as Aspas, Amazon, and The Trend, the firm will utilize on-time
marketing, appealing commercials, and frequent customer discounts. To increase its market
efficiency, it will target small size advertisers, distributors, and retailers.
The Key Elements Of Metro-mall Inc’s. Information Systems Infrastructure
Organizations rely heavily on information systems. As a result, resilience and
reliability are critical challenges in information systems and their infrastructures. The
dependability of tools and applications is critical, which means that they should be the aim of
information system selection and growth. A well-designed infrastructure for an information
system is built on a solid foundation that allows for responsive adjustment and, as a result, the
firm's flexibility as new initiatives emerge (Asih et al., 2019). The foundation, also referred to
as the information system infrastructure is made up of basic network infrastructures,
databases and data stores, software, hardware, a...