WRT 102How Social Media Affects Millennials Essay

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WRT 102



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WRT 102 – Winter 2022 Jennifer Young Assignment #1: Informal Essay – 5 pages You are required to write an Informal Essay. Although informal, this essay must consist of the following components: 1. An informal essay is usually much more personal than any other kind of academic writing, and may deal with your personal opinion and observations of some element of social media in society, or some personal experience (positive or negative) you believe has impacted the way you view or use social media for the better or worse. 2. This type of essay is assigned in order to find out how creative you can be when faced with almost complete freedom. The best analogue of the style of an informal essay is journalistic style, aimed at a more sophisticated audience: short text, witty and catching phrases, more colloquial (ordinary/familiar/conversational) wording. 3. A good informal essay has a relaxed style but retains a strong structure, though that structure may be less rigid than in a formal paper. 4. When writing informally, try to assert and maintain a sense of your own personality. Do not worry about sounding academic, but avoid sloppiness; unleash your creative edge. 5. You must include a clear statement of the thesis (purpose/point) of your paper, concrete examples/illustrations in the body of the essay, and a comprehensive conclusion that summarizes your personal opinion and/or experience. 6. Unlike formal essays, it is possible and even preferable to write from the first and the second person in informal essays. Remember that an informal essay is not necessarily a personal narrative. 7. Remember that the aim of the informal essay is to inform someone about something in a light manner. You are not obliged to entertain the reader or make the text funny, but you are welcome to do so if you believe that you can pull it off. 8. As modern writing is multimodal, feel free to insert relevant pictures that emphasize your opinion and/or experience of the matter at hand (Pictures must be cited as sources if not your own). Possible paper topics include (or a combination thereof; you may also come up with your own topic): 1. Your memorable moments when using facebook/twitter/instagram when you saw a post/tweet/link/meme that enlightened you, infuriated you, or amused you 2. Your opinion about how/why social media should/should not be used by the president or high government officials. 3. How do you think social media affects millennials specifically? Positively or negatively? Look around. Are teens talking? Or tweeting instead? 4. Do you believe that what you click and like on social media has an impact on what appears in your newsfeed? Do you control the apps? Or do they control you? 5. Are you or a loved one a member of an immigrant family? How do those personal experiences translate to the national discussion/controversy on immigration in the news and online? Paper due: Jan. 9 by midnight EST. Submit in the Assignments area as a Google doc link.
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How Social Media Affects Millennials

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How Social Media Affects Millennials
Social media has become a common phenomenon in today’s society. One of the
reasons that have contributed to the increased access and use of social media across the world
is the increased access to mobile phones and other mobile technologies that accept social
media applications. One of the groups that use social media highly is the millennials.
Millennials are defined as individuals who were born between the 1980s and the 2000s, and
they are also often referred to as Generation Y (Stein, 2013). One unique feature in the
Millennials age is the rapid development of technologies. It was between the 1980s and
2000s that a lot of influential technological developments were initiated. A lot of millennials
spend a lot of their time online. A study found that 48% of Americans who are aged between
18 and 29 years “were online “almost constantly” and that most of Millennials’ online
minutes were via mobile. U.S. Millennials were reported to spend 211 minutes accessing
apps or the internet via smartphone per day, compared to only 31 minutes of daily desktop
internet usage” (Johnson, 2021). Over the years, there have been several studies investigating
the impact of social media among different users, including the millennials. Similarly, this
paper examines the use of social media among millennials and the possible effects. This
paper holds that while social media has enhanced communication and socio-cultural
interaction among millennials from diverse backgrounds, the technologies have also had
adverse effects on this population, especially with reference to addiction and loss of personal
relationships among the groups.
How Social Media affects millennials
It is not easy to say whether or not social media is good or bad for millennials. Social
media can be good or bad to millennials depending on the manner in...

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