MCS Capacitors Materials Waves Light Mechanics & Circuits Questionnaire

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Modesto City Schools


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Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.The solutions to the questions are provided in the documents below. If there is any questions kindly get back to me. And if there is a question I have skipped probably due to rushing please get back to me. Thank you and have a wonderful day.

Question 11:
A. By the statement "hook doesn't show plastic behavior", it means that on application of force,
the material did not extend or increase in length irreversibly in response to applied force but
breaks immediately. This shows that the material is very brittle. A material shoes plastic
behavior when it extends or deforms irreversibly under the application of force.
From the listed properties, the one that correctly describes the behavior is Ductility. Ductility is a
measure of the extent to which a material can be deformed plastically without fracture.
Question 12:
a. Photo electrons
I. Effect of increasing the frequency of light shone on a metal plate on electron emitted:
Increasing the frequency of light increases the maximum kinectic energy of photoelectron
emitted from a metal surface when light is shone on the surface.
II. Effect of increasing intensity of light on electron emitted from a metal surface:
Increasing the intensity of light shone on the metal plates increases the number of electrons
emitted since more photons are sent to the surface of the metal plate.
b. How photoelectric effect supports Particle model of light:
The photoelectric effect supports the particle theory of light in that it behaves like an
elastic collision (one that conserves mechanical energy) between two particles, the photon of
light and the electron of the metal.
If you shine light on a metal of any intensity with energy below the binding energy of an
electron, no electrons from the metal will be ejected. As soon as the frequency of light is high
enough such that the energy exceeds the binding energy, the electron from the metal can be
knocked off the metal.

Question 14 (first):

The elastic waistband obeys Hooke's law which states that provided the elastic limit of an
elastic material is not exceeded, the force exerted on a material is proportional to the change in
length of the material.
b. The work done is given by:
W = 1/2 K e^2
Where k is the slope of the graph and slope = change in force / change in extension
Slope s = 14/0.325 = 43.08N/m
W = 1/2 (43.08) (0.325)^2 = 2.28J < 3J
c. The elastic property of the waistband is keeping the trousers in place by restoring back to it's
original shape after deformation, provided the elastic limit of the water is not exceeded.
d. The lower line of the decreasing force shows that for a restoration to a previous shape, lower
energy is required and hence lower force.
Question 14 (second):
A. By mercury atoms been excited, electrons of the atom temporarily occupies an energy state
greater than its ground state, it is in an excited state. An electron can become excited ...

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