CNL 518 GCU Bereavement Across the Life Span Worksheet

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CNL 518

Grand Canyon University



From the perspective of your specific discipline, compete the "Bereavement Across the Life Span" worksheet.

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing and a title page is expected.

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This assignment is informed by the following CACREP Standards:
2.F.3.h: A general framework for understanding differing abilities and strategies for differentiated interventions.
2.F.3.i: Ethical and culturally relevant strategies for promoting resilience and optimum development and wellness across the lifespan.

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CNL-518 Topic 8: Bereavement Across the Life Span Directions: One's understanding of death and the bereavement process changes over the life span. Using the matrix provided below, summarize how individuals understand the various stages of life, death, and how each might grieve the loss of a loved one. Create a short vignette for each age group that expresses your understanding of the age group's response to death and bereavement. Finally, hypothesize how a clinical mental health or school counselor might counsel each age group through the bereavement process. The first stage has been completed for you as an example. Include in-text citations in the chart and references at the bottom of the worksheet as appropriate. Do not exceed 50 words per box. Age Group Baby and Toddler Perception/Cognition of Grief Does not understand the permanency of grief. Response to Grief Excessive crying and yearning to be held. Vignette Developmentally (short Appropriate example/story Counseling of a child’s Interventions loss scenario) (including empiricallysound interventions for this age group) A baby’s birth mother died during delivery. Preschool Age © 2020. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Counsel the guardians of the baby to be sure to tend to the baby’s need for touch and comfort. Age Group Perception/Cognition of Grief Response to Grief Vignette Developmentally (short Appropriate example/story Counseling of a child’s Interventions loss scenario) (including empiricallysound interventions for this age group) Grade School Age Adolescence/ Teenage Years Adulthood © 2020. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Age Group Perception/Cognition of Grief Response to Grief Vignette Developmentally (short Appropriate example/story Counseling of a child’s Interventions loss scenario) (including empiricallysound interventions for this age group) Late Adulthood References © 2020. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
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Explanation & Answer

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CNL-518 Topic 8: Bereavement Across the Life Span
Directions: One's understanding of death and the bereavement process changes over the life
span. Using the matrix provided below, summarize how individuals understand the various
stages of life, death, and how each might grieve the loss of a loved one. Create a short vignette
for each age group that expresses your understanding of the age group's response to death and
bereavement. Finally, hypothesize how a clinical mental health or school counselor might
counsel each age group through the bereavement process. The first stage has been completed for
you as an example. Include in-text citations in the chart and references at the bottom of the
worksheet as appropriate. Do not exceed 50 w...

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