OCC Steps of Database Lifecycle Computer Science Discussion

User Generated


Computer Science

Oakland Community College


Defining the Database Lifecycle

Please answers the following questions. Your responses should be at least a paragraph in length (4 sentences) and provide some detail.

What are the five steps of the Database Lifecycle?

1) Explain, in your own words, the first step of the Database Lifecycle.

2) Explain, in your own words, the second step of the Database Lifecycle.

3) Explain, in your own words, the third step of the Database Lifecycle.

4) Explain, in your own words, the fourth step of the Database Lifecycle.

5) Explain, in your own words, the fifth step of the Database Lifecycle.

Examining the Analysis Phase

7) Please read the following section regarding the Poet’s Circle Database Example, which is an excerpt from MariaDB (source: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/database-design-...). Once you have finished reading the section, summarize the analysis step that is illustrated in 1 to 2 paragraphs.

Determine Database Design Approaches

8) Provide an example of another development lifecycle that is similar to the Database Lifecycle (we’ve discussed it in class). Your response should contain a brief description (1 – 2 paragraphs).

Figure 6.14 Top-Down Versus Bottom-Up Design Sequencing (Original Source: https://www.shsu.edu/~csc_tjm/summer2000/cs334/cha...ig6-14.jpg)

9) The image above provides an illustration of the classical database design approaches – top-down design and bottom-up design. Based upon the learning materials explored and your personal perspective, which approach do you believe to be more productive? Provide a response in 1 – 2 paragraphs.

10) Based on your response to Question 9, provide an example/scenario where the approach you didn’t choose would be more productive. Again, your response should be 1 – 2 paragraphs in length.


  • Provide the required answers as noted in a Microsoft Word document called Assignment_2.docx and submit through Moodle.
  • Questions are worth 2 points each.
  • Total – 20 points.
  • 10% penalty if late or incorrect file name.

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.Hey Buddy! Your assignment is completed. Have a look at it! 😇In case of any revisions you need, please feel free to ask me. 🎅


Defining the Database Lifecycle QAs




Defining the Database Lifecycle QAs
1) Prerequisites Analysis is the first and most significant stage in the Database Life Cycle. It is the
most work serious for the database designer. This step includes surveying the enlightening
requirements of an association so a database can be designed to address those issues. To gather
this data, a database examiner invests a great deal of energy inside the business association
conversing with individuals, end clients and getting to know the everyday interaction (Ford, 2021).
2) Logical Design is the second step of the Database Lifecycle. Throughout the initial portion of
Logical Design, a theoretical model is made because of the necessities appraisal acted in stage one.
A theoretical model is usually an entity-relationship (ER) illustration that displays the tables,
fields, and essential keys of the database, and how tables are (connected) to each other. The tables
portrayed in the ER illustration are then standardized. The standardization cycle settles any issues
related to the database design, so data can be gotten rapidly and effectively (Ford, 2021).
3) Physical database design is the third step of the Database Lifecycle. It req...

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