Communications Technology Discussion

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This is for a Communication, Culture and Technology course Choose ONE prompt from the list below and answer it, 300-400 words 1. Describe a career that you think technology will make possible in 10 years' time. 2. How would you use technology to solve an existing social problem? 3. Pick one technology that has made an impact in a community you belong to. Tell us how you might re-design it.
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400 words
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How Would You Use Technology To Solve An Existing Social Problem?
Sometimes individuals perceive technology to have more negative effects than positive
on society. However, science and technology play an essential role in solving social challenges.
Many opportunities provided by technology are greatly used to aid in solving different
I will use technology to solve some social challenges in different ways to enhance
increased productivity in the society. Decreased food production has been a great challenge in
the developing world. To increase productivity, technology can be used to increase the
production of fertilizers that can carp the challenge of starvation. Agricultural technologies, for
example, fertilizers in the correct ratio, selective breeding, and even combined harvesters, can be
deployed to increase the amount and nutrient nature...

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