WEB240 University of Phoenix Expanded Website Plan Assignment

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University of Phoenix


Expand your website plan.

Select at least three interactive features that could be added to your site.

Identify the following:

  • What purpose would each feature serve for your site and its visitors?
  • How would you construct these features?

Note: The form created in the next individual activity, "Individual: Refine and Finalize Website" can be included as one of the interactive features.

Submit your expanded Website Plan to the Assignment Files tab.

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EDEN’S CAREER PLACE GABRIELLE BRISCOE WEB240 UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX EDEN’S CAREER PLACE ! • • • • • Can’t find a job after graduation? Would you like to find your dream job. Want a jumpstart on your career. Here’s how our recruiters can help. Based on your own information that we receive from you will come to us. . • We select the matches of jobs that fits and recruiters search your dream job. • Build your own profile while in school and become the best designer! College Students Only MMMMMMM • Sign In New User • Add New Profile Name Address Phone Number • Add Picture & Resume • *Example TESTIMONIES & C O N TA C T S Eden Career place is strictly for college students who are in need of finding their career after or before school. This website has helped me find a better career in the right field for my degree, I even had help building my profile for recruiters to view after college. I’m hoping to consider perfect fit in my career, although I am still in school, and still searching for a web designing job. I will like to place my bid for different jobs to place me in after I graduate college. -Gabrielle Briscoe Gabrielle Briscoe University of Phoenix WEB/240 Running head: SHORTENED VERSION OF TITLE Individual Website Design and Development: Part 1 1 2 The topic of my website will be an Eden’s Career; this website helps business and different careers after college. This website plan is a startup for students leaving college and searching for their dream jobs becoming and web designer and anyone who wants to become a tech for different networks. This purpose for this website is recruit students like myself after earning an Associate’s Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, and Master’s Degree. Earning your degree can have more recruiters coming to your profile and asking if you qualify for the job. Many job sites like Career builder gives you several options to choose from but, this website is would be formed to help students while earning their degree and building their profile. This website has short testimonies of people using my website to find before college.
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Running Head: Individual:

Expanded Website Plan

Online chat page
This feature will allow our visitors to interact with the management team to get more
information about the website or available jobs. The feature will consist of one text field
where users will insert th...

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