HS 499 Purdue Global University Transferable Skills Discussion

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Health Medical

HS 499

Purdue Global University



The ideal candidate for any position is one that meets the key requirements for the posted position. This includes basic educational requirements and relevant work experience. However, there are a number of additional skills and attributes that employees tend to look for in a candidate. These are often referred to as transferable skills. For our discussion this week, please define transferable skills and discuss their value in the workforce. As you complete this week's discussion, please also consider how you will include these skills on your resume.

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Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.


Transferable Skills
Student's Name
Professor's Name

Transferable Skills
Transferable skills are a specific set of skills that apply across various professions and
are not tied down to only one industry (Olesen et al., 2020). These skills are building stones
of major professional success throughout any career. Transferable skills can be categorized as
"soft and "hard", where" hard" is like coding, and soft skills are like communication and team
building. This paper will look at the value of transferable skills in the workforce and why
they are vital for one's success in many professions. In addition, the paper will dive into how
one can include the transferable skills effectively in the resume to boost their chances of
If one wants to secure a job opportunity, one must demonstrate a particular set of
skills required for the position, where some may be specific for the role while others are
transferable. The benefits that transferable skills bring to the workforce are; first, they offer
flexibility; in this demanding and competitive j...

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