COM 100 CUNY Borough of Manhattan Community College Communications Reflection

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com 100

CUNY Borough of Manhattan Community College



Chapter 4 - Nonverbal Communication 

Chapter 5 – Listening 

Chapter 6 – Interpersonal Communication

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COM 100 – Introduction to Communication Studies Prof. Janet Douglas-Pryce Reflection Paper – An Unfamiliar Identity Technology often allows us access to different perspectives and different stories. • • • • For this assignment, you will explore an unfamiliar identity (one that is not your own and that you do not know much about) through a personal blog where an individual or small group of people examine issues related to their own identity and how it relates to the larger society. Your goal is not to criticize or critique the blog or the individual writing it, but to look at what ideas or viewpoints you have not been exposed to, to see with more complexity, and to see things from another's perspective, whether or not you agree with it. Try to imagine yourself in their place. You can use one of the following blogs, or you can search for your own. See the variety of stories you may have not been exposed to. Spend at least 15-20 minutes reading the blog posts. Note: Some of the following blogs are sarcastic or political (advocating for change) or angry, but they only represent the writers' perspectives. Keep in mind that the writer does not represent everyone in their group(s). In other words, don't stereotype! Korean American Story (video interviews) Mia Mingus (Intersectionality) Feminist Collective Or find your own! After you have spent some time with your blog, write a one-page Reflection Paper (200-400 words to address the following points: • • • • Reflect on your experiences viewing the videos and reading your blogs. Describe your blog writer(s) and how they are similar and different from you. Based on your investigation, how does culture influence us? What have you learned about the complexity of culture and stories other than your own? What about your own culture? As you answer, be aware of your language and try to avoid stereotyping. Utilize vocabulary and theories (for example, the Communicative Theory of Identity, Hecht, 1993; Hecht, et al., 2005) or from Chapter 8 of your Textbook.
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Communication Question

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Communication Question
Asmaa. cat blog explores the author's experience of getting married during the pandemic.
I did not face any difficulties locating the blog as I quickly used the hyperlink to connect to the
internet. It took me less than 15 minutes to read the relatively brief blog post, and I was surprised...

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