California Mirimar Universty Business Discussion

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Business Finance

California Mirimar Universty


TOPIC: Personality Type (MBTI)

This week's Learning Engagement is all about you!

First, take the personality inventory on the Human Metrics website.

Next, explore the O*NET website to find jobs that fit the results of your personality test, your interests, and your skills. Also, you could search the internet for the job that best matches your personality type.

Also, you might want to spend some time and watch the video that is located above this assignment! A GOOD VIDEO ABOUT MBTI PERSONALITY TYPE

Share your findings with your classmates. Did you discover anything new about yourself? What occupations seem to best fit you? How might HR professionals use the resources on the O*NET website in their work? Critically analyze your findings.


The concept of personality type has been debated for many years. There are many different types of personality evaluation. Evaluations such as MBTI, DISC, Enneagram Personality Type, Hartman Personality Profile, and Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI) are among the most popular ones. Here is what an article titled Personality Testing Controversial, But Poised to Take Off published in states: "Advocates of personality testing say such assessments offer useful and legitimate insights into how well people might fit into an organization. Critics, though, question personality tests’ effectiveness and suggest they can harm job candidates". Express your opinion and evaluations in a critical manner. Make

sure you reply to your peers the I'm RN and I study health care management

Explanation & Answer:
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Personality Type (MBTI)

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Personality Type (MBTI)
Through the MBIT tool, I discovered I am an ENFJ personality, which has revealed
that I am a helper and an enabler. Previously, I knew some of the identified traits, such as
uniqueness and salient interpersonal skills. However, I discovered salient abilities that I look
forward to integrating into my career journey. For instance, I discovered that I am expansive
and juggle multiple responsibilities or projects simultaneously. Additionally, I realize that I
am resilient and people-oriented by remaining sensitive to other people’s experiences.
However, it was unsatisfactory to recognize that I am at risk of being abused or hurt by less
sensitive persons due to my thinner psychological boundaries. Based on the test outcomes,
some of the occupations that seem to fit me best include but are not limited to Medical
Scientists, Except Epidemiologists, Clinical Research Coordinators, health educators,
counselors, marriage therapists, Registered Nurse, Home Health Aides, etc.
Notably, the human resource (HR) professionals can use the O*NET website’s
resources at their work for numerous resources. The O*NET website resource can b...

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