Porters Five Forces, tech support homework help

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Please read the following chapters that describe how information can be used strategically, which is the topic for this week's paper:

  • Chapter 2 - Data Governance and IT Architecture Support Long-Term Performance
  • Chapter 3 - Data Management, Big Data Analytics, and Records Management

Please watch the following videos on Michael Porter's Five Forces model:

Please watch this video: How Does Google Make Money? This video explains how Google uses information to make money. Google collects information from websites and adds it to its search engine. You type information into Google search and Gmail, and Google stores that information about you. Android devices send information to Google that is used to determine traffic patterns for Google Maps and to send you ads for businesses based on your location. Although Google is a technology company, it makes money from information, as this video explains. In your paper for this week, you will explore how other companies use information strategically.

Chapter 1 and the videos above describe Porter’s Five Competitive Forces model. Use the search term “information sharing in a supply chain” to find 2 peer-reviewed articles from academic journals about the use of information in supply chains or value chains. Write a summary of each article and explain how the use of information in each article relates to Porter’s Five Competitive Forces model. Discuss how information can be used strategically, based on the example(s) in the articles. Your paper should be in APA format and 3-4 pages, not counting the title page and reference pages. Make sure you have in-text citations and a reference page. The rubric for this assignment can be viewed when clicking on the assignment link.

For help with APA formatting, click here: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ To download a sample APA paper, click here: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/media/pdf/20090212013008_560.pdf

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Explanation & Answer

Good luck in your study and if you need any further help in your assignments, please let me know.Goodbye.



Information Sharing in Supply Chain
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Information Sharing in Supply Chain
Article 1
According to Rahiman supply chain remains to be a major driver of competitive
advantage. The study in the article focused on the influence if supply chain integration on
information sharing and at the same time, supply chain performance as well as the role of
information sharing in shaping supply chain performance.
In relation with the researcher, information sharing has remained to be the most
effective way of creating value in an organization’s performance. Supply chain management
puts greater emphasis on efficient as well as the effective flow of both non – physical and
physical assets right from the point of origin of the raw materials up to the time the products
or service get to the end customer. When there is information sharing in the company or the
organization, there is the likelihood that the management will be in a position of making
better decisions on material planning, capacity allocations and ordering. According to
Rahiman, the use of informatio...

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