I am currently an at&t employee working in Finance. I want to get a position within Human Resource department. I have been with company for 15 years in various departments including : retail sales , retail sales manager, finance in retail and finance mobility.
This could be one of the most beneficial assignments in the program because it helps you to think about your future career plans and to set specific action plans to achieve your career goals.
Using the Career Plan Model attached
Create a 700- -word career plan that includes the following:
- Identifies the five year career goal.
- Determine the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA's) needed for the career goal.
- Evaluate the current KSA's compared to the needed KSA's to identify gaps.
- Create your career plan with at least five action steps to get you from where you are to where you want to be in five years.
Cite any sources according to APA formatting guidelines. Include an introduction and conclusion paragraph.
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Hi, the job is finally complete. Kindly check it out and let me know in case you need anything changed. All the best.
Running Head: CAREER PLAN
Career Plan
Institutional Affiliation
In most organizations, promotions and appointments are based on merit and the ability of
the candidate to execute the relevant duties successfully. His means that things like previous
experience and training always come to matter when the appointments arise. One’s integrity and
personal strengths also come to play because some positions require more than just papers and
experience but a stronger mind as well. AT&T is a renowned company with a lot of employees
who spearhead its operations. The company’s employees are well spread over the departments
and this brings job specialization into play. Therefore, this case provides the scenario whereby
the candidate’s ability is measured based on the previous performance since there has been a
working relationship of fifteen years. This is to mean that the two parties know each quite well
hence the process becomes simpler.
Career goal
Having been involved with the company for fifteen years, the relationship is ...