Criminals of the Bible paper, 4 pages

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The paper must be on Criminals of the Bible: Twenty-five case studies of biblical crimes and outlaws by Mark Jones.

The grading rubric and the requirements are listed in the attached file 


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CJUS 500 BOOK CRITIQUE GRADING RUBRIC Student: Criteria Introduction: • Is there a proper APA abstract (length, content, style)? • Does it concisely convey the content of the Book Critique? Structure: • Are the transitions between paragraphs and sections clear? • Is the critique logically oriented? Content: • Are the issues raised in the book thoroughly analyzed from a criminal justice using at least three (3) scholarly criminal justice sources? • Are issues analyzed from a biblical/Christian worldview perspective and using scripture passages? • Are passages from the book properly utilized and integrated into the critique? • Does the conclusion offer a good summary of key issues addressed in the book? Style: • Is the critique without spelling and grammar errors? • Does the critique properly use current APA style? • Does the critique reflect a graduate-level vocabulary? • Is the body of the critique the appropriate length (5–7 pages)? Total Points Possible 20 20 70 40 150 Points Earned Instructor’s Comments
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