Strategic Plan: Implementation Plan, Strategic Controls, and Contingency Plan Analysis or Alternative, management homework help

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This signature assignment is designed to align with specific program student learning outcome(s) in your program. Program Student Learning Outcomes are broad statements that describe what students should know and be able to do upon completion of their degree. The signature assignments may be graded with an automated rubric that allows the University to collect data that can be aggregated across a location or college/school and used for program improvements.

Follow the instructions based on decision to complete the Strategic Plan or Alternative Capstone Project:

Strategic Plan: Implementation Plan, Strategic Controls, and Contingency Plan Analysis

Write a 1,400-word minimum strategic implementation plan in which you include the following:

  • Create an implementation plan including:
    • Objectives
    • Functional tactics
    • Action items
    • Milestones and deadlines
    • Tasks and task ownership
    • Resource allocation
  • Recommend any organizational change management strategies that may enhance successful implementation.
  • Develop key success factors, budget, and forecasted financials, including a break-even chart.
  • Create a risk management plan including contingency plans for the identified risks.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

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Strategic Plan

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Strategic plan

The essence of any management involves the ability to be able to plan. In the process of
working your ways up the organization, it is important to plan moves from the operational to the
strategic. It is as well one of the upper-level management principal responsibility. After
management decision over strategic plan, the lower level managers easily implement the
strategic plan through the operation plan (Haines, 2016).

Implementation plan

After establishing the future overall strategies, it is important to approve the strategic plan
by making it official. The approval might involve the Board of Directors, the Executive
management, and to the others who have to lend their support so as to get plans implemented.
The strategic plan is approved by the key decision-makers, which signal if it is OK implementing
the plan. The implementation will be managed through the operating plan development.

The operating plan is the step by step plan used to implement the strategic plan. It
depends on good strategic plans. Successful implementation turns out to be extremely difficult if
there is a fundamental problem with the actual strategic plan. The prior level of involvement to
that point have to take place since the operating personnel has to implement the strategic plan
(Gamble, 2014).




Plans for organizational size, staffing and structure establishment.

Plans for assets investment and development

Plans for scheduling and changes production

Plans for the raising capital

Plans for training and development management

Plans for product or service marketing, promotion, and pricing.

Functional tactics

Generally, the function plan has to be prepared by the managers over the actual function
area. It should not include the areas that are outside manager’s control. Remaining focused is the

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