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Name _________________________________ I.D. Number _____________________ Unit 4 Evaluation BUSH 031 055 Winning in the Workplace This evaluation will cover the lessons in this unit. It is open book, meaning you can use your textbook, syllabus, and other course materials. To submit the evaluation, follow the directions provided. Part A: Multiple-Choice Select the response that best completes the statement or answers the question. _____ 1. A peril that is covered by a basic homeowner’s insurance policy is a. b. c. d. _____ 2. The majority of American small businesses have __________ employee(s). a. b. c. d. _____ 3. the right personality, know-how, and money. know-how, money, and location. franchise rights, the right personality, and location. patrons, money, and know-how. The keyboard and mouse are a. b. c. d. _____ 5. 1 2–10 10–99 100–499 Three things necessary for a successful business are a. b. c. d. _____ 4. war. hail. nuclear accident. flood. output devices for a computer. software devices. input devices for a computer. CPUs. Renter’s insurance covers a. b. c. d. Unit 4 Evaluation damages to someone else’s apartment due to your negligence. medical expenses if your dog bites someone. damages to your apartment that are not covered by your security deposit. loss or damages to your personal property. 203 BUSH 031 _____ 6. Computer literacy a. b. c. d. _____ 7. Benefits of self-employment include a. b. c. d. _____ 8. is the general knowledge of what computers are and how they work. is knowing how to use the various software packages for word processing. is the ability to type and give commands to a computer. two or more computers linked together. working for others. having a flexible schedule. high income almost immediately. only having to put in a forty-hour work week. A deductible is a. a discount that you can take off of your insurance costs. b. the amount the insured pays before the insurance company pays their portion. c. the requirement that the insured pays a portion of the expenses along with the insurance company. d. the amount that the insured pays for medical insurance. _____ 9. Career and technical student organizations are linked with a(n) a. b. c. d. _____ 10. An example of a company that sells franchises is a. b. c. d. _____ 11. Jiffy Lube. a locally owned and operated restaurant. a manufacturer who distributes products to different retailers. a dealer who sells supplies to manufacturers. The main purpose of life insurance a. b. c. d. _____ 12. corporation. university. occupational area. entrepreneurship. is to pay for funeral costs. is to provide income for the insured. is to provide financial security for dependents after the insured’s death. is to pay off the mortgage. Cloud computing is a. b. c. d. Unit 4 Evaluation using a second computer that is a shadow or cloud of your original for storage. used for storage of information that can be accessed from anywhere. a method of computer word processing that was developed in the early 1990s. using a tablet to do all the work of a desktop computer. 204 BUSH 031 _____ 13. Characteristics of a good leader include all of the following EXCEPT a. b. c. d. _____ 14. Output from an computer includes all of the following EXCEPT a. b. c. d. _____ 15. pollution control labor union organization providing public health care creating of new jobs The Internet was developed with the help of a. b. c. d. _____ 19. a business that sells to consumers. a person or agency that distributes goods to retailers. responsible for paying a company’s bills. a wholesaler. Small businesses contribute to society through which of the following? a. b. c. d. _____ 18. comprehensive coverage liability coverage uninsured motorists coverage bodily injury coverage A supplier is a. b. c. d. _____ 17. the keyboard. appearing on the computer monitor. a printed report. listening to it via a speaker or headphones. Which type of auto insurance would cover damage caused by fire or vandalism? a. b. c. d. _____ 16. having a vision. setting high standards. showing respect. having money. Harvard University. United States Department of Labor. MIT. United States Defense Department. The legal document that gives a corporation permission to conduct certain business activities is known as a a. b. c. d. Unit 4 Evaluation charter. bylaw. franchise. code of ethics. 205 BUSH 031 _____ 20. The type of life insurance policy that provides the greatest amount of protection for the lowest cost is called a. b. c. d. _____ 21. In which part of the computer is the processing done? a. b. c. d. _____ 22. input memory control arithmetic and logic section A business that is owned by stockholders is a(n) a. b. c. d. _____ 23. cash value. universal life. whole life. term. corporation. partnership. proprietorship. entrepreneurship. COBRA a. is an individual life insurance policy. b. is an option of paying for the same type of insurance at the same price. c. provides health insurance coverage at full cost for employees leaving a company for a premium. d. is payment to workers who cannot work because they are injured. _____ 24. The act of planning, organizing, and directing the activities of an organization is known as a. b. c. d. _____ 25. managing. motivating. leadership. inspiring. Someone who runs his or her own business is called a(n) a. b. c. d. Unit 4 Evaluation entrepreneur. authoritarian. partnership. leader. 206 BUSH 031 _____ 26. The delegative leadership style is also known as the a. b. c. d. _____ 27. democratic leadership style. hands-off approach. autocratic style. most effective leadership style. Which student organization is a career and technical student organization in high schools and colleges around the globe that prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management? a. b. c. d. _____ 28. The simplest and most common form of business ownership is a(n) a. b. c. d. _____ 29. FEA FCCLA DECA HOSA proprietorship. partnership. corporation. entrepreneurship. A small picture that a computer user can double-click on to give commands to software to perform specific functions is a(n) a. b. c. d. _____ 30. browser. network. icon. app. The type of auto insurance coverage that is designed to help eliminate expensive legal battles is called a. b. c. d. Unit 4 Evaluation liability. uninsured motorist. no-fault. co-insurance. 207 BUSH 031 Part B: True or False Determine whether each statement is true or false. _____ 31. The role of leader and manager are the same. a. True b. False _____ 32. The Small Business Administration defines a small business as an independent business having fewer than 500 employees. a. True b. False _____ 33. A microprocessor is another name for a tablet computer. a. True b. False _____ 34. A proprietorship is a business that has two or more co-owners. a. True b. False _____ 35. A computer network allows linked computers to share software, data, files, printers, and equipment. a. True b. False _____ 36. The participative leadership style is also known as democratic leadership. a. True b. False _____ 37. Hotmail, Gmail, and Facebook are three common examples of cloud computing services. a. True b. False _____ 38. Skills USA is the high-school level of the Small Business Administration. a. True b. False Unit 4 Evaluation 208 BUSH 031 _____ 39. As technology advances, computers are becoming more difficult to use. a. True b. False _____ 40. Group health insurance plans are more expensive and provide less coverage than individual insurance plans. a. True b. False _____ 41. Bylaws define the basic characteristics of an organization and how it will operate. a. True b. False _____ 42. The Internet is one of the most significant technological developments of all time. a. True b. False _____ 43. The Internet is also known as the web and the net. a. True b. False _____ 44. Small businesses employ half of all private sector employees. a. True b. False _____ 45. If you are a self-starter, you will not be a good entrepreneur. a. True b. False _____ 46. A common leadership trait is being a good communicator. a. True b. False _____ 47. Every state requires no-fault insurance. a. True b. False Unit 4 Evaluation 209 BUSH 031 _____ 48. Renters don’t need insurance because the landlord’s insurance will cover any damages. a. True b. False _____ 49. Disability insurance provides income to people who are unable to work because of illness or injury. a. True b. False _____ 50. Stockholders directly make the major decisions about corporations. a. True b. False Carefully check your answers on this evaluation and make any corrections you feel are necessary. When you are satisfied that you have answered the questions to the best of your ability, transfer your answers to an answer sheet. Please refer to the information sheet that came with your course materials. Unit 4 Evaluation 210 BUSH 031
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Hi, find attached the answers. I hope they meet your requirements.

Part A: Multiple-Choice
Select the response that best completes the statement or answers the question.
_____ 1. A peril that is covered by a basic homeowner’s insurance policy is
a. war.
b. hail.
c. nuclear accident.
d. flood.
_____ 2. The majority of American small businesses have __________ employee(s).
a. 1
b. 2–10
c. 10–99
d. 100–499
_____ 3. Three things necessary for a successful business are
a. the right personality, know-how, and money.
b. know-how, money, and location.
c. franchise rights, the right personality, and location.
d. patrons, money, and know-how.
_____ 4. The keyboard and mouse are
a. output devices for a computer.
b. software devices.
c. input devices for a computer.
d. CPUs.
_____ 5. Renter’s insurance covers
a. damages to someone else’s apartment due to your negligence.
b. medical expenses if your dog bites someone.
c. damages to your apartment that are not covered by your security deposit.
d. loss or damages to your personal property.

Unit 4 Evaluation 204 BUSH 031
_____ 6. Computer literacy
a. is the general knowledge of what computers are and how they work.
b. is knowing how to use the various software packages for word processing.
c. is the ability to type and give commands to a computer.
d. two or more computers linked together.
_____ 7. Benefits of self-employment include
a. working for others.
b. having a flexible schedule.
c. high income almost immediately.
d. only having to put in a forty-hour work week.
_____ 8. A deductible is
a. a discount that you can take off of your insurance costs.
b. the amount the insured pays before the insurance company pays their portion.
c. the requirement that the insured pays a portion of the expenses along with the
insurance company.
d. the amount that the insured pays for medical insurance.
_____ 9. Career and technical student organizations are linked with a(n)
a. corporation.
b. university.
c. occupational area.
d. entrepreneurship.
_____ 10. An example of a company that sells franchises is
a. Jiffy Lube.
b. a locally owned and operated restaurant.
c. a manufacturer who distributes products to different retailers.
d. a dealer who sells supplies to manufacturers.

_____ 11. The main purpose of life insurance
a. is to pay for funeral costs.
b. is to provide income for the insured.
c. is to provide financial security for dependents after the insured’s death.
d. is to pay off the mortgage.
_____ 12. Cloud computing is
a. using a second computer that is a shadow or cloud of your original for storage.
b. used for storage of information that can be accessed from anywhere.
c. a method of computer word processing that was developed in the early 1990s.
d. using a tablet to do all the work of a desktop computer.
Unit 4 Evaluation 205 BUSH 031
_____ 13. Characteristics of a good leader include all of the following EXCEPT
a. having a vision.
b. setting high standards.
c. showing respect.
d. having money.
_____ 14. Output from an computer includes all of the following EXCEPT
a. the keyboard.
b. appearing on the computer monitor.
c. a printed report.
d. listening to it via a speaker or headphones.
_____ 15. Which type of auto insurance would cover damage caused by fire or vandalism?
a. comprehensive coverage
b. liability covera...

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