RMM Post Treatment Medication Case

User Generated


Health Medical

Rasmussen Minneapolis Minnesota

Question Description

I'm working on a nursing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Alma Faulkenberger is an 85-year-old female outpatient sitting in the waiting room awaiting an invasive pelvic procedure. The health care professional who will assist in her procedure enters the room and calls "Alma." There is no reply so the professional retreats to the work area. Fifteen minutes later the professional returns and calls "Alma Frankenberg." Still no reply, so he leaves again. Another 15 minutes pass and the professional approaches Alma and shouts in her ear, "Are you Alma Frankenberg?" She replies, "No I am not, and I am not deaf either, and when you get my name correct I will answer you."

Using the Topic 1 Resources, develop a plan to help Alma be compliant with the procedure and post-treatment medication. Also, describe the approach you would take to patient education in this case.

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Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.


Alma Compliance Plan
Institution affiliation

Alma compliance plan
In this case, the patient is not inherently disobedient because she made every effort to
attend the appointment. In my opinion, the patient dislikes being referred to as Alma. The
patient's future compliance can be predicted based on how they react to the first encounter. The
first step for a healthcare professional is to form a collaborative partnership (Zetterqvist et al.,
2018). A healthcare professional would introduc...

Tvnan (15279)

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