Please read the original discussion and then respond to cameo .Chapter 5 Discussion: Was Bob's conduct unethical?
Bob has worked for Mega Corporation (MC) for twenty-five years and was recently promoted to the position of Sr. Vice President for Global Operations based on his outstanding performance for the company. Bob also serves as the Ethics Officer for MC.
One night after working late, Bob is ready to leave for home and remembers that his daughter needs to print her school report for school the next day. However, Bob has no copy paper at home and all of the stores are currently closed. Bob also will not have time in the morning before school to purchase any.
Consequently, Bob takes five (5) sheets of copy paper from the MC copy room. There are literally thousands of reams of paper in the room. Besides, MC is a multinational company and will not miss 5 sheets of paper. Finally, Bob has worked diligently for the company and has never taken anything before. Explain if Bob’s decision to take the copy paper was ethical.
Please respond to cameo with 200 words
Bob's decision to take 5 sheets of copy paper from the MC copy room was not ethical. Even though it was a such a small amount of paper and that Bob has not taken anything before, it is unethical to use work supplies for personal use. With Bob's position as Sr. Vice President and Bob serving as an Ethics Officer for the company, Bob is held to an even higher standard then others around him. Lower level employees will start to develop values over the conduct that they are viewing from the upper level employees.
The text shows us that there is a twelve question model that was created by Laura Nash that can help Bob decide whether or not a specific action is ethical or not. This model was designed to look at a problem from all angles. If Bob would have used this model, his decision to take the paper may have been different and may have come up with an alternative. For example, maybe his daughter could have gone to school early and print it out at the school library or even getting permission before taking the paper. Either of these options may have prevented Bob making an unethical decision.

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Hello Cameo. Thank You for your insightful post on the ethical discussion of Bob’s
conduct. I agre...