Grand Canyon University Fables Writing Narrative Essay

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Grand Canyon University


The readings below are examples of fables. A fable is a brief often humorous narrative told to illustrate a moral using animals as characters. Other examples of fables are Goose that Laid the Golden Egg and The Tortoise and the Hare. Please read the sample fables that are listed below. Notice the moral at the end of each fable after you read it and notice the animals that are used to illustrate the lesson.

*Death Has an Appointment in Samarra ( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.)

*North Wind and the Sun-by Aesop ( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.)

*The Tortoise and the Geese-by Bidpai ( )

*After reading these fables, you are to create a fable of your own. You are to write a 1 page only fable using animals as characters illustrating a lesson that you have learned. At the bottom of the page type the word Moral: then type the lesson that you learned. Remember this is only 1 page.

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1 Page
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The Crocodile and the Lizard


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