UN Nursing Discussion

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Health Medical

University of Nairobi


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10:32 el 5G < Back Discussion Details CCJ3651 RVC 1221 : פיסטווד YD Yainolys Delgado Jan 19, 2022 at 9:47 AM In addition to health issues, drug abuse can affect justice issues as well. Drug abuse is one of the most complex public health problems that exist, drug abuse can bring us various numbers of consequences to our health such as seizures, stroke, mental confusion, and brain damage. Lung disease. Problems with memory, attention and decision making, which make daily life difficult. But this drug abuse is also a big problem for justice, substance abuse has a great impact on individuals, families, and communities. The effects of substance abuse are cumulative, contributing significantly to costly social problems, these problems can end up in major problems of justice, for example, domestic violence, child abuse, car accidents, physical fights, crimes, and homicides. In my opinion, drug addiction begins as a lifestyle that you choose, and then becomes an addiction problem that is more difficult to conquer over time. However, I do not consider Addiction a disease at all, since Addiction is self-acquired, which implies that the person gives the condition to himself. Considering my viewpoint, I do believe that drugs are a big issue in this country as well as any other country, since drugs can have many negative effects on a country, such as lost productivity, and increased use of medical and insurance benefits by employees who abuse drugs affect a business financially. The economic consequences of drug abuse severely burden federal, state, and local government resources and, ultimately, the taxpayer. References < Previous Next → 4 198 dod O= O= Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications Inbox
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