ECE 624 AU Self Management & Emotional Regulation and Development Essay

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ece 624

ashford university



This week we continued our journey into becoming the Whole Teacher. The fifth pillar of the Whole Teacher is focusing on teaching happiness and joy in learning as much as skills. This is directly related to social and emotional development. In order to meet the needs of our students, it is critical that you understand where you are at in terms of helping children to grow socially and emotionally. For this assignment, you will begin by completing the Self-Assessing Social and Emotional Instruction and Competencies: A Tool for Teachers (Links to an external site.) self- assessment developed by the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders at American Institute for Research. This tool focuses on five teacher social and emotional competencies, including self-awareness, self-management/emotion regulation, social awareness, relationship/social skills, and responsible decision making, (Yoder, 2014, p. 8).  

Assignment Directions:

After completing the self- assessment:

  • Discuss which social and emotional competency you scored the highest. Conclude what might have influenced your score in this area. 
  • Discuss which social and emotional competency you scored the lowest. Conclude what might have influenced your score in this area.
  • Explain whether you agree or disagree with your self-assessment scores. Make sure to support your explanation with specific evidence or examples.
  • Explain the leadership skills you possess that support the self-rating you received on the different social-emotional competencies (i.e., self-awareness, self-management/emotion regulation, social awareness, relationship/social skills, and responsible decision making) 
  • Propose at least two professional learning experiences that could facilitate improvement in areas in which you scored lowest. 
  • Summarize how you will use your self-assessment to  design a classroom environment that incorporates evidence-based and developmentally appropriate strategies to promote social and emotional development.
  • Explain how completing this self-assessment activity has further helped to shape your philosophy of teaching and learning, and will further assist you in becoming a 21st-century educator.

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.


Social-Emotional Development Self-Assessment
Student’s Name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted




Social-Emotional Development Self-Assessment
I scored the highest in self/management and emotional regulation. The primary influence
for this score might be attributed to regular practice and my journey growing up. Going to a
school where the educators were in touch with their emotions and implemented them in the
learning schedules made it easy for all students to grasp and understand different concepts. In
addition, it created a safe and open environment between the educator and the students. As a
result, most students whose path was in education picked up on this skill, and consistent practice
has contributed to making it more remarkable and influencing scores positively.
I scored the lowest in the relationship and social skills. Despite being able to create a safe
and open environment for students to approach when they need help with learning, creating
relationships has proved challenging. This is also attributed to my upbringing. Growing up an
only child forced me to find joy and company in being by myself. As a result, forming
relationships was the last of the priorities. However, as an educator, it is an essential skill to
possess as it enables students to develop a personal relationship with educators to assist them
better in the learning process. Therefore, being on this journey has helped grow my relationships
and social awareness by forcing more meaningful interactions.
I completely agree with my self-assessment scores. I have taken other self-assessment
scores in my past work experience, and they seem to align. For example, Christenson & Harvey
(2004) emphasize the importance...

Just what I needed…Fantastic!


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