HMGT 300 Intro to the Healthcare Sector

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university of maryland


The assignment must be based upon your selected job role and the selected course's case study.

Write a professionally-crafted email to address to the supervising manager (your faculty) with regard to the predisposing factors affecting the health care services delivery situation at that time. This submission does not require citations or references. The goal is to demonstrate your critical thinking (analysis and application of the general concepts) in the assessment of a health care sector service delivery.

1. Identify and Discuss at Least Two Issues Based on Your Job Role: List a minimum of two issues that contributed to the situation from the perspective of your job role. For example, if your role is the supply chain management one of the issues might be the absence of the sharp disposal containers due to flood in the warehouse where they are stored off-site.

2. Identify and Discuss Potential Solutions for Each Issue: Recommend a realistic solution to each of the listed issues. For example, recommend using thick plastic water containers labelled with permanent markers as a temporary solution. (Do not use the provided example in your submissions).

3. Identify and Discuss the Workforce and Stakeholders: List the workforce and stakeholders necessary to achieve the proposed solutions. For example, the food supplier/manager needs to be contacted about the empty water containers. The custodial chief needs to be contacted about the storage locations and restrictions enforcement.


  1. Know the definitions of terms: predisposing factors
  2. Make sure the factors and proposed solutions are reasonable and achievable. Do not make general or common-sense statements. Think about how you would address these issues in real life and consider the solutions you may propose to address these issues in your job role.
  3. Learn how to write a professionally-written email, crafted to your supervising manager regarding the issues you have identified with potential solutions along with the details regarding the workforce as well as stakeholders. Know the name of your Supervising Manager.

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Children, COVID-19, and the Vaccines As scientists test vaccines in young children, evidence continues to emerge about how the disease harms kids, how expanded immunizations of others might protect them, and what impact a vaccine might have. As COVID-19 vaccines are being administered to anyone age 12 and up, America’s youngest children remain the last group that cannot get a vaccination. The reopening of society this summer and the development of viral mutations leaves those children exposed in new ways, even while clinical trials are underway to develop vaccines for them. In this rapidly changing environment, researchers and policymakers want to know: Will the disease spread more among children as they return to camps, sports, and school, especially as the virus mutates? Will enough people get vaccinated in some communities to adequately protect children until a vaccine for them arrives? Does the risk of illness from COVID-19 outweigh the potential side effects of the vaccinations for some of them?
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Explanation & Answer

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a) Main Point I: Issues

I hope this message gets to you well.


I am writing to address the issue surrounding the admission of Covid-19 Vaccines to

b) Main Point II: Handwashing

Potential solutions involve creating intensive awareness of hygiene practices, proper
handwashing, and addressing malnutrition.


Children living in poor and vulnerable environments are likely to be affected by Covid19 as they experience limited access to clean water for drinking and handwashing.

c) Main Point III: Vaccines

Through the health ministry, the government has a significant role to play in ensuring that
a sufficient number of eligible individuals have been vaccinated to protect the children.


The government should set aside more funds to hire more medical professionals that will
help administer the vaccines.

d) Main Point IV: Stakeholders

Significant stakeholders in the program include parents, the government, and t...

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