Rasmussen College Tonsilitis Essay

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Health Medical

Rasmussen University


You will perform a history of a nose, mouth, throat, or neck problem that your instructor has provided you or one that you have experienced, and you will perform an assessment including nose, mouth, throat, and neck. You will document your subjective and objective findings, identify actual or potential risks,

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Title: Documentation of problem based assessment of the nose, throat, neck, and regional lymphatics. Purpose of Assignment: Learning the required components of documenting a problem based subjective and objective assessment of nose, throat, neck, and regional lymphatics. Identify abnormal findings. Course Competency: Demonstrate physical examination skills of the head, ears, and eyes, nose, mouth, neck, and regional lymphatics. Instructions: Content: Use of three sections: o o o Subjective Objective Actual or potential risk factors for the client based on the assessment findings with description or reason for selection of them. Format: • Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.) Resources: Chapter 5: SOAP Notes: The subjective and objective portion only Sullivan, D. D. (2012). Guide to clinical documentation. [E-Book]. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.rasmussen.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&d b=nlebk&AN=495456&site=eds-live&ebv=EB&ppid=pp_91 Smith, L. S. (2001, September). Documentation do’s and don’ts. Nursing, 31(9), 30. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.rasmussen.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&d b=rzh&AN=107055742&site=eds-live Documentation Grading Rubric- 10 possible points Levels of Achievement Criteria Subjective (4 Pts) Emerging Competence Proficiency Mastery Missing components such as biographic data, medications, or allergies. Symptoms analysis is incomplete. May Basic biographic data provided. Medications and allergies included. Symptoms analysis incomplete. Lacking Basic biographic data provided. Included list of medications and allergies. Symptoms analysis: PQRSTU completed. Lacking Basic biographic data provided. Included list of medications and allergies. Symptoms analysis: PQRSTU completed. Detailed. Objective (4 Pts) contain objective data. detail. No objective data. detail. No objective data. Information is solely what “client” provided. No objective data. Information is solely what “client” provided. Points: 1 Points: 2 Points: 3 Points: 4 Missing components of assessment for particular system. May contain subjective data. May have signs of bias or explanation of findings. May have included words such as “normal”, “appropriate”, “okay”, and “good”. Includes all components of assessment for particular system. Lacks detail. Uses words such as “normal”, “appropriate”, or “good”. Contains all objective information. May have signs of bias or explanation of findings. Points: 2 Includes all components of assessment for particular system. Avoided use of words such as “normal”, “appropriate”, or “good”. No bias or explanation for findings evident Contains all objective information Points: 3 Includes all components of assessment for particular system. Detailed information provided. Avoided use of words such as “normal”, “appropriate”, or “good”. No bias or explanation for findings evident. All objective information Points: 4 Brief description of one or two actual or potential risk factors for the client based on assessment findings with description or reason for selection of them. Limited description of two actual or potential risk factors for the client based on the assessment findings with description or reason for selection of them. Comprehensive, detailed description of two actual or potential risk factors for the client based on the assessment findings with description or reason for selection of them. Points: 1 Points: 1.5 Points: 2 Points: 1 Actual or Potential Risk Factors (2 pts) Lists one to two actual or potential risk factors for the client based on the assessment findings with no description or reason for selection of them. Failure to provide any potential or actual risk factors will result in zero points for this criterion. Points: 0.5
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Problem: Tonsilitis

Tonsilitis is an inflammation of the tonsils caused by bacteria. Tonsils are found in an
individual's throat. The condition is frequently characterized by throat discomfort, difficulty
swallowing, and a sense of throat blockage.

Patient's history:

The patient had had a sore throat for the previous five days. Gradually, the agony grew
intolerable to the point that he was unable to swallow even the liquid diet. He, too, is experiencing
a ...

Goes above and beyond expectations!


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