CJS245 Phoenix Differences of Juvenile & Adult Courts Comparative Analysis

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Business Finance

cjs 245

University of Phoenix


Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper comparing juvenile courts with adult courts. Include the following in your paper:

  • Select a U.S. Supreme Court case from Ch. 4 of The Juvenile Justice System, or another relevant juvenile court case.
  • Describe your case and the legal issues facing the juvenile and the court.
  • Analyze the possible outcome of the case if the juvenile were an adult and tried in adult court.
  • Include an overview of the juvenile justice system, with a comparison of the key differences between juvenile and adult courts, including roles and language differences.
  • Describe the adjudication process by which a juvenile is transferred to the adult court system, and why the transfer did not occur in your chosen case.
  • Include a summary of the analysis discussion you had with your collaborative group.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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Juvenile and Adult Courts
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In the year 2010, USA Supreme Court worked tirelessly in ruling the case of Graham v
Florida. This ruling involved trial on juvenile life which was termed to have no possible parole
mostly for the non-homicidal crime. The reason behind such was due to violation of the eighth
amendment. During this case, the juvenile was issued with a meaningful opportunity for both
rehabilitation and maturity (Chambliss, 2011). In some cases, we have existence of rulings in
which The United States juvenile are responsible for sentencing individuals involved in violent
crimes. The Florida Senate has implemented ruling whereby individuals involved in murder
crimes may sentenced for life. This has been termed as a great policy instead of killing criminals
involved murder cases. Moreover, this law also offers an opportunity for judicial hearings through
reviewing sentences subjected to offenders. Graham’s case was a critical one hence required much
more attention. Such attention was necessary to aid in coming up with a real conclusion. Some of
these special cases are handled in a strategic manner while other minor cases are transferred to the
adult courts.
Among common legal issues facing the case comprise of how to conduct the imprisonment
as well as how to come up with the right...

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