UCLA Fast Developing Business Proposal

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Business Finance

University Of California Los Angeles


1. BP Proposal: Your Start- Up Business

For this class, you will be ‘starting’ a business of your choosing, so you must decide what business you are interested in and submit a proposal with a brief description for approval.
The constraints in selecting your business include:

constraints in selecting your business include:

  • Your business must NOT be a seasonal business.
  • You cannot use a franchise.
  • Your business cannot be an ‘Online’ business.
  • Your business must be a for-profit business.
  • You must have face to face interaction with your customer.
  • You cannot change your business choice after it is approved.

Be sure to select a business that you are interested in, as you will be doing research all semester on this particular industry.

Submit your proposal as a short memo (business format) describing what your business will be, where you will be located and any additional details such as; will it be a home based business or storefront?

Your business MUST be approved by me.


2. Complete Key Concept Questions in back of text chapter:

  • 2-6: Explain why a prospective business founder might want to create a feasibility study or Business Model Canvas before developing a complete business plan.
  • 2-7: How can spending time researching and writing a business plan save an entrepreneur time and money in the short and long term?
  • 2-9: Explain why the executive summary is the most important section of any business plan.

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Explanation & Answer

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Business Proposal
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Business Proposal

Assignment 1
What the business will be about: Because of the current fast developing business world, staffs
are getting busier and busier. In cases where staff cannot work remotely, they have to juggle
between being in the office and family matters. This situation explains why my business idea is
to start a daycare business. Given that I cannot be present all day to look after the children, I will
hire one professional to assist me in runn...

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