East Tennessee State University Writing that Works by Roman and Raphaelson Reading Summary

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East Tennessee State University


Reading Summary

Read Sections 4 and 5 in Roman and Raphaelson (R&R)

Section IV Strunk and White(S&W)

and summarize them 


Roman, Kenneth and Joel Raphaelson, 2000. Writing That Works, HarperCollins, New York, New York,

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Explanation & Answer

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Reading Summary


Summary on sections 4 and 5 of "Writing that Works" by Roman and Raphaelson
Email and the great mailbox are discussed in chapter four. The chapter outlines more
simple steps to consider while writing or sending an email. One is by making the subject of the
email more compelling and clearer. This can be more assured by studying similar headlines like
the one found in the newspapers of "the wall street journal" also, when writing or composing an
email, it is good to cut the email to point. This means that when the email is cut, it saves the
reader's time and helps the writer get the essence of the email. This can be done by taking out up
to 50 percent of the written email. Also, the tone of voice in the email should be set right. While
setting the tone, it is essential to know that an email is voiceless and faceless; hence the writer
should be careful with salutations. Last, in an email, it is good that the writer notes that nothing
should be private while email...

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