CSU Global Green Building Environmental Quality Paper

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Colorado State University Global Campus


This week, prepare a 3 page report on the high-performance (green building) features used in the building. The building that this paper should be about is Tata Hall on the Harvard Campus. Use the attachment as a guideline to identify which of the strategies described in these tables have been implemented in your building. Identify some of the strategies that the project team used (or could use with a reasonable cost). Describe these features and evaluate them from the economic, social, and environmental perspectives.

Two references. 

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Explanation & Answer:
3 Page
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Explanation & Answer

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High-performance features


There are several design considerations that should be observed before implementing a
project, such as a building. During the design process, it is vital to consider social, economic, and
environmental factors to ensure the design is sustainable. The consideration of these factors is a
key determinant of the project's feasibility. Therefore, this report covers the strategies
incorporated in the design and construction of Tata Hall in the Harvard Campus.
Siting is one of the key factors considered during the design of the Tata Hall. The
building is located strategically within the university premises so that the student can have easy
access. Besides, the strategic location of the structure has improved the aesthetic (appearance) of
the university at large. The design of the Tata Hall is modern and is appealing to the eye. Upon
its completion, I believe many students will be taking photos close to the building because of its
appealing appearance, thereby improving their social life.
The strategic location of the Tata Hall significantly reduce...

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