Argument Essay, Hiking Boots, English homework help

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I chose Group 1: Hiking Boots


Group 2: Waterproof matches

Group 3: Fish line & hook

Group 4: Water

Make sure you mentioned all the things i chose.

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1 EWRT 1A –The Argument Revisited – Paper #2 150 points Skills: Argument and Revision Objectives To Lean to Write a Clear and Cohesive Paper To Learn Argumentative writing To Learn brainstorming strategies To Learn revision strategies To Learn to integrate quotations MLA style To Learn MLA Documentation Style To Learn MLA Works Cited Page 8th Edition The Writing Assignment: Using both your in-class essay and the basic features of an argument essay, write an essay arguing for the supplies you have chosen to take with you into the wild. Present the issue to readers, and develop an argument for the purpose of confirming, challenging, or changing your readers’ views on which supplies are the most important for survival. You may choose one additional non-weapon supply or tool of your choice. You will use at least two outside sources to help convince your readers that the supplies you have chosen are the most efficient for the job. This is not a minor revision, but rather an entirely new essay. Do not rely on your in-class essay for more than a brainstorming document. Format: MLA style (For help, see “MLA Formatting” on the website). Please give your paper an original title; don't underline or put quotation marks around your own title. Content: Please see sample essays in Chapter 6 “Arguing a Position.” You may choose your own structure that fits your story. However, here are some suggestions: • Present your issue: Write an introduction that sets up your essay argument. You are not restricted to the scenario in which you have limited supplies, but you must have a reasonable explanation for arguing for specific supplies. • Thesis: Write a clear and compelling thesis. • Support your position: Write one body paragraph for each supply. Use facts, statistics, examples and anecdotes, or quotes from authorities to support your position. • Include an effective counterargument: Include a counterargument that addresses any obvious arguments against your choices. Consider other positions about important selections. • Finish strong: Tie your conclusion back to your introduction, or provide a scenario concerning your successful stay in the woods. 2 Due Dates: See Syllabus/Calendar Submission Requirements: Please submit your essay through Kaizena. See the instructions posted on the website. After you upload your essay, use Kaizena to mark the following sections of your essay. 1. Your MLA formatted header and heading 2. Your original title 3. Your introduction to the essay 4. Your thesis. 5. A properly integrated and cited quotation, formatted in MLA style 6. Your counterargument statement 7. Your conclusion (Framing or some other method of closing). 8. Any other section that you would like me to notice or comment on. To attach a comment to a highlight, you start by making a highlight in a file. q Scroll to the part of the file where you want to make your highlight. Click in the margin (or on the text you want to highlight), and drag the cursor to expand the comment box. q Click on the A in the comment box on the left side to type in your comment or question. q Click “Post to Highlight” q Make sure to use just one color (whichever you prefer), so I can comment in a different color. q You can also leave voice comments, but please use the written comment feature to identify the sections of your essay. You may leave me a voice comment if you have other comments or questions. Format Requirement: MLA-style formatting and citations Length: Your finished text should be between three and five pages, excluding the Works Cited page. Research Requirements: Works Cited Page A Works Cited page names all of the sources that were used in an essay or research paper; it credits the source or sources for the information you present, evaluate, analyze, and synthesize to support your thesis. A Works Cited page also serves as a reference to the sources that were used so that a reader or writer can quickly refer to the original text. The Works Cited page for this research project must contain at two entries. Expected Student Learning Outcomes § § § § § Demonstrate outlining and brainstorming abilities Demonstrate an awareness of the time needed to plan, search, and write an essay Demonstrate an awareness of sentence structures Demonstrate an understanding of multiple rhetorical strategies: Argumentation, Exemplification, Explanation, and Persuasive Reasoning. Learn to integrate quotations effectively and correctly 3 Previously Learned Skills Required to Complete this Assignment ü ü ü ü ü The ability to summarize sources The ability to write grammatically correct, clear sentences. The ability to write a clear and concise thesis. The ability to brainstorm material for an essay. The ability to organize an essay Best Practices Ø Write a thesis that helps readers understand the main point of the essay. Ø Avoid telling the reader that something is “interesting,” or “exciting”; instead create images or use examples that show it. Ø Come to my office if you are unsure, confused, or behind. Traps to Avoid: Ø Writing in the second person. Ø Failing to support your assertions. Ø Seeking to argue using memory or hearsay. Ø Citing Wikipedia as a source for your paper. Essay #2: The Argument Essay: Potential Outline I. Presentation of the issue a. Write an introduction that sets up your essay argument. You are not restricted to the scenario in which you have limited supplies, but you must have a reasonable explanation for arguing for specific supplies. II. Thesis statement a. Write a few sentences that could serve as a thesis—that is, a statement that tells your readers simply and directly what you want them to think about the issue and why. You might also forecast your reasons, mentioning them in the order in which you will take them up in your argument. III. Your most plausible reasons: this should be the heart of your essay. a. Support your position: Write one body paragraph for each supply. Use facts, statistics, examples and anecdotes, or quotes from authorities to support your position. b. Repeat c. Repeat d. Repeat e. And so on until you finish your argument. IV. First opposing argument with refutation a. Concession Followed by Refutation V. Second opposing argument with refutation a. Accommodation of another argument or a Concession Followed by Refutation VI. Conclusion a. Finish strong: Tie your conclusion back to your introduction, or provide a scenario concerning your successful stay in the woods. Essay #2 Arguing Positions Scoring Guide A Focused Presentation A Clear Position àThe introduction is creative, original, appropriate, and prepares readers for the argument. àAn arguable assertion is present. àThe writer makes her/his position (thesis) unambiguous, appropriately qualified, and clearly arguable. à The introduction uses one of the introduction methods we discussed to get started. It is wellwritten àAn arguable assertion is present. à The writer’s position is clear. àThe introduction gets the reader to the thesis but not with much enthusiasm. àAn arguable assertion is present. à The writer’s position is somewhat clear. Plausible Reasons and Convincing Support Anticipating Opposing Positions and Objections Mechanics MLA Formatting à The plausible reasons for the writer’s position show insight into the issue. à All of the writer’s points are supported by one or more of the following: examples, explanation, authorities or anecdotes. à All of the writer’s points are thoroughly explained. à All paragraphs have strong topic sentences and are well organized. à The plausible reasons for the writer’s position show insight into the issue. à Most of the writer’s points are supported by one or more of the following: examples, explanation, authorities or anecdotes. à Some points of the issue may lack thoroughness of explanation. àMost paragraphs have strong topic sentences and are well organized. à The plausible reasons for the writer’s position are present but do not show insight into the issue. à The writer’s points are inconsistently supported by one or more of the following: examples, explanations, authorities or anecdotes. àMost paragraphs have strong topic sentences and are well organized. àThe writer successfully anticipates other positions on the issue. à The writer successfully addresses objections and questions readers might have about the issue. à The essay transitions successfully between argument and counterargument and/or accommodating or refuting opposing positions and objections. àThe essay is well argued and devoid of logical fallacies. à Technical mistakes are rare, and they are not distracting. à The writer is firmly in control of flow, style, and diction. àThe paper meets all of the criteria of the assignment. All references to sources are accompanied by intext citations. Quotations are integrated appropriately. The paper contains an accurate Works Cited page. The Works Cited page is formatted perfectly. Essay formatting is perfect. à The writer successfully anticipates other positions on the issue. à The writer attempts to address objections and questions readers might have about the issue. àThe essay is predominantly successful in transitioning between argument and counterargument and/or accommodating or refuting opposing positions and objections. àThe essay is well argued and devoid of logical fallacies. à A few technical mistakes are made, but they are not distracting. à The writer demonstrates good control of flow, style, and diction. à The paper meets most of the criteria of the assignment. All references to sources have in-text citations. Most quotations are integrated appropriately. An accurate Works Cited page is present, but there may be formatting errors. A few mistakes may occur in essay formatting. à The writer anticipates other positions on the issue. à The writer attempts to address objections and questions readers might have about the issue. àThe essay is somewhat successful in transitioning between argument and counterargument and/or accommodating or refuting opposing positions and objections. àThe essay has a dominant argument and is devoid of logical fallacies. à Mistakes stand out in more than one of the following areas: grammar, punctuation, spelling, or syntax. à The writer demonstrates fair control of flow, style, and diction. àThe paper fails to meet some of the criteria of the assignment. In-text citations are present, but are insufficient. Some quotations are integrated appropriately The Works Cited page is accurate but may be incorrectly formatted. A few mistakes occur in essay formatting. àThe introduction is too short or discusses the wrong topic. à The introduction does not introduce the issue. àAn arguable assertion is present. àThe writer’s position is unclear and qualifications and/or argument are too summarylike. à The introduction is inappropriat e. à The essay does not contain an introduction to the issue. àAn arguable assertion is not present. àThe writer’s position is unclear and qualifications and/or argument are not present. à The plausible reasons for the writer’s position are present but do not show insight into the issue. à The writer’s points are inconsistently supported by one or more of the following: examples, explanation, authorities or anecdotes. à Most points of the issue may lack thoroughness of explanation. à The reader is not cued with topic sentences, controlling ideas, or transitions. à The plausible reasons for the writer’s position are not present à The writer’s points are not supported by one or more of the following: examples, explanation, authorities or anecdotes. à Most points of the issue may lack thoroughness of explanation. à The reader is not cued with topic sentences, controlling ideas, or transitions. à The essay does not demonstrate an understanding of the genre. à The paper does not anticipate other positions on the issue. à The writer unsuccessfully attempts to address objections and questions readers might have about the issue. àThe essay is unsuccessful in transitioning between argument and counterargument and/or accommodating or refuting opposing positions and objections. àThe essay has no dominant argument and logical fallacies. à Mistakes stand out in more than one of the following areas: grammar, punctuation, spelling, or syntax. à The writer has marginal control of flow, style, and diction. àThe paper fails to meet the criteria of the assignment. Few in-text citations. Quotations are not integrated appropriately. The Works Cited page is missing or incomplete, OR the formatting is problematic. The essay formatting is incorrect. à The writer does not anticipate other positions on the issue. à The writer fails to address objections and questions readers might have about the issue. àThe essay is unsuccessful in transitioning between argument and counterargument and/or accommodating or refuting opposing positions and objections. àThe essay has no dominant argument and logical fallacies. à No logical plan is apparent. à Mistakes are so distracting that it is difficult to read the paper. à The essay is unreadable. à The paper does not meet the criteria for the assignment. No in-text citations. The Works Cited page is missing or incomplete, OR the formatting is problematic. The essay is not submitted or not typed. Palmore   Brainstorming  for  Essay  1   You are headed into the woods for several weeks. The possibility that you will encounter carnivores, giardiasis (from bad water), rough terrain, weather, insects, and poison ivy is very real. You are wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and tennis shoes. You have an empty daypack. From the list below, choose which additional items you would take with you on your trip. Note in detail why you would choose these items. Group 1 (Choose 2) ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Blanket (one wool double) Sleeping Bag (one single, nylon and down) Two extra pair of socks (wool) A rain coat (yellow) Reflective heat jacket Hiking boots (water proof) Group 2 (Choose 1) ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Waterproof matches (one box of 20) An empty, plastic container/bottle (One gallon) Rope (25 feet) Tarp (8x10) Iodine Tablets (one jar of 20) Group 3 (Choose 1) ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Bow & Arrows (6) Small Knife (6” blade) A large heavy sword (2.5 feet, 10 lbs) A hammer (common household type) A fishing line & hook (100 feet of line and 3 hooks) Group 4 (Choose 1) ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ A box of crackers (16 oz.) A package of beef jerky (16 oz.) A bottle of water (one gallon) A package of cheese (16 oz.) A bag of apples (10 small apples) After you finish choosing your items, get into groups of three or four and discuss your choices. Explain your reasons for choosing your supplies to the other people in your group. When you have all settled on your final lists, make a list for yourself of what each person in your group is taking with him or her.   Palmore Essay #1: The argument essay: an in-class writing exam Write an essay arguing for the supplies you have chosen to take with you into the wild. Present the issue to readers, and develop an argument for the purpose of confirming, challenging, or changing your readers’ views on which supplies are the most important for survival. Your final essay should be 500-750 words. You don’t need outside sources for this essay. Ways to proceed: ▪ Focus your presentation of the issue: Explain the situation to your reader. Your introduction could be a scenario describing the setting you will face or a description of a situation you or someone you know faced in the past. ▪ A clear position: Compose a thesis that makes your position unambiguous, appropriately qualified, and clearly arguable. (Your thesis will likely be near the end of your introduction). ▪ Plausible reasons and convincing support: To argue for a position, writers must give reasons and support them with examples, scenarios, or anecdotes. Write body paragraphs arguing for each item you want to take. ▪ Anticipate opposing positions and objections: Consider the choices of your group mates and write a counterargument that addresses why you wouldn’t take the items the other people in your group think are very important. You must address each specific tool others in your group chose to take. You may do this in each body paragraph as you argue for your choice, or you may do it as a separate paragraph after you finish arguing for your tools. ▪ Conclude your paper: Consider predicting your future in the wild.
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Explanation & Answer


Packing Right for the Woods - Outline
Thesis Statement: Packing for an outing in the woods requires a careful examination of the
necessary commodities since the bag space is limited and the conditions in the woods are harsh.
I. Introduction
II. Hiking boots
III. Blanket
IV. Fishing line
V. Water
VI. Counterargument


Surname 1
Packing Right for the Woods
Hiking in the woods is a very challenging experience, and it requires the proper
preparation, which includes packing the right supplies in readiness for the trip. I have never been
camping or hiking in the woods, but my friend once narrated his experience to me. The trip,
which was a part of group adventure, turned out to be a nightmare. The group, which the friend
of mine went with, forgot to pack warm clothing as well as the necessary equipment required for
protection against the itchy bushes. Therefore, the group was not able to traverse the woods since
most of them were itchy all over and had to go back. Also, due to the cold at night, they had to
stay up or sleep very close to the fire they had made. Packing for an outing in the woods requires
a careful examination of the necessary commodities since the bag space is limited and the
conditions in the woods are harsh.
The first item I chose for the trip was a pair of hiking boots. Hiking boots are more
efficient for a trip to the woods than tennis shoes. The first factor considered is the amount of
tread required. While tennis shoes would be perfect for a day in the outdoors whereby...

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