Colorado Technical University Henry County School System Discussion

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The agency is Henry County School System, and it is a nonprofit organization. They serve children from three to twenty-one- years old. Henry County School System’s mission statement is “to empower all students with exceptional opportunities and access that lead to success in a global society” and the vision statement is “to ensure a high-quality, world-class education for every student” (Henry County Schools, 1). The person who authorizes the use of the Henry County School System is Jadun McCarthy. Looking at the website and the knowledge of Henry County School System, no they do not have an Institutional Review Board (IRB). To get the information that is needed, the writer will take with different kindergarten teacher and old parents that was in the writer's old prekindergarten classroom. The population will be kindergartens. A private school or a childcare center that offers prekindergarten.  

           The current position that is held in the Henry County School System is a kindergarten teacher. Please see Appendix 1 of Henry County School System job duties. The duties and responsibilities as a teacher will impact the outcome of the research project by gathering information to help to see if prekindergarten really sets the foundation for children before kindergarten. From what is seen, kindergarteners do need previous education experience. I am Monique Felton and I am a kindergarten teacher. I would like to get your input on the children who have attended prekindergarten versus children who have not attended prekindergarten.

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You have made a substantive post. I have decided to reply to this post because most nonprofit organizations play a critical ...

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