ACC561 University of Phoenix Analysis of The Financial Data Paper

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Business Finance


University of Phoenix


Select a publicly traded, U.S. corporation with which you are familiar or one where you currently work or have worked in the past. This company must be a manufacturing company or a retailer. The company must have "inventory" as a line item in the current assets section of the balance sheet. You cannot select the following companies" Apple, Microsoft, Oracle, Cisco, or HP, Inc. If you have difficulty deciding on a company, please send me a private message.

Research the company via the website and download the Securiteis and Exchange Commission (SEC) most recent annual filing which is also the Form 10K. Provide the following information from the financial statements in the company's Form 10K:

  • Provide the link where you located the company's Form 10K. I should be able to paste this link into a new tab and go to the company's Form 10K
  • Determine the net income for most current year reported. Is this income up or down from the prior year?
  • Determine the ending balance in shareholders' equity for the most current year reported.
  • Determine total assets for the most current year reported.
  • Determine the cash flow from operations for the most current year reported (this will be on the cash flow statement).

Provide the description above, the 10K link, and the amounts only for each financial item listed above. Do not perform any analysis, summary, discussion, or provide any other information other than the link, a yes or no answer about income being up or down from the prior year, and the financial statement amount.

In addition to provide the information from the Form 10K required above,

Write a paper of approximately 700 words discussing the four different types of financial statements. Briefly explain the information provided by each statement and answer to the following questions.

-Which financial statement, or statements, would be of most interest to investors?

-Which financial statement, or statements, would be of most interest to creditors?

-Which financial statement, or statements, would be of most interest to management?

To answer the questions, you need to discuss some details about why you made a certain choice. For example, if you state the income statement is of most interest to investors, why did you make that choice. The answer of the "why" supports your choice and demonstrates your understanding of the statement.

This assignment is about describing why a particular financial statement is important for that user. It is not about describing the statement. If you describe all of the statements in detail and then state, "Management uses the .......statement, that does not meet the requirements of the assignment. .

If you have difficulty identifying a company for the assignment, please send me a private message and I will make some suggestions for you. The company must be a company with inventory--insurance companies, banks, health care providers, companies that provide services are not acceptable for this assignment. If you are unsure about the company you are considering, please ask me.

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Explanation & Answer

Kindly see attached files containing both the requested paper and the summary of the financial data of a SEC 10k filling following your teacher's instructions






The four main types of financial statements are the balance sheet, the income statement,
the statement of retained earnings and the statement of cash flows (Palepu & Healy, 2013).
The balance sheet reports the financial position of the company at a moment (generally
the end of each quarter or year depending if it is contained in the quarterly or annual financial
reports of the company. Specifically, the balance sheet provides information about the situation
of both the current and total assets or economic resources of the company, any existing liabilities
or debts and economic obligations of the company and the stockholder’s equity, which represents
the amount of the company that is owned by its stockholders (Palepu & Healy, 2013).
The income statement, on the other hand, provides information about the revenues and
expenses of the accounting period considered, hence being a measure of the performance of the
company. In this regard, the income statement serves to calculate the net income of the company
as the difference between the total revenues obtained from the sale of goods and services and the
total expenses incurred to produce those revenues (Palepu & Healy, 2013).
The statement of retained earnings, on the other hand, provides information about the
current financial situation of the company, as it considers both the previous situation, the net
income obtained during the accounting period and the dividends that have been paid off to the
company’s stockholders (Palepu & Healy, 2013).
Finally, the statement of cash flows reports the relationship existing between the total
cash inflows such as the cash flows from operating activities and the total cash outflows through
the payment of receipts and debt. Hence, a positive result in the cash flow statement indicates
that the company has managed to gain money in the accounting period as it obtained more



money than it spent, whereas a negative result indicates the company’s debt has increased

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