Create a business implementation plan and audiovisual presentation

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Submit the assumptions and contingency planning, in which you will clearly explain the assumptions you have made in creating your business implementation plan, any factors that may affect those assumptions or the success of the project, and how you have planned for those contingencies.

At a minimum, you should discuss any cross-cultural, economic, and geopolitical factors that may impact the business environment and concept; how you will ensure that the project operates in a legally and ethically compliant environment, including relevant laws, regulations, or patents or permits that may need to be obtained; plans for incorporating stakeholder and customer diversity into planning and implementation of the concept; and the role corporate social responsibility will play in the implementation of you concept.

Critical Elements

-Explain the assumptions you have made in creating your business implementation plan, including a discussion of any factors that may affect the assumptions or success of the project, and how you have planned for those contingencies.
-Discuss any cross-cultural, economic, and geopolitical factors that may impact the business environment and concept
-Explain how you will ensure that the project operates in a legally and ethically compliant environment, including relevant laws, regulations, or patents or permits that may need to be obtained
-Outline plans for incorporating stakeholder and customer diversity into planning and implementation of the concept
-Discuss the role that corporate social responsibility will play in the implementation of your concept

5 to 8 pages in length (excluding the title page, references, and appendices) using 12-point Times New Roman font, with one -inch margins. You may include summary pictures, charts, graphs, or other explanatory diagrams as needed to successfully explain the concept and implementation, but should use appendices for detailed supporting documentation. Your paper should follow APA guidelines. You must include at least 5 scholarly sources. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page.

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Concept Industry : Senior Conciegere Busisness…. Facts : - Due to a growing percentage of the senior community in America, demand for live-in caregiver and retirement housing has increased. The growth has been excelling to understand that the factors are influencing the retirement housing needs to improve greatly. In observance, a study was conducted using the behavioral model of health service use suggested by Andersen and Newman in (1973) then later by Andersen (1995) as a theoretical framework. There are four major types of factors that were influencing many individuals to desire to move into a retirement housing are inhibiting factors, predisposing factors, need factors and enabling factors. All factors are both manifest and latent variables. Explaining the factor analysis was used to determine the understand latent variables with four major types, and logistic regression was used as an analyzing tool to identify influencing factors. Predisposing factors for seniors to move to retirement housing are latent variables which may be caused by being uncomfortable to stay with their offspring, being self-sufficient, confidence in being able to live on their own within a semi-controlled environment and being among others within age retirement housing. My concept would be not to just hire help in the comforts of your home with a personal caregiver but to hire a senior concierge that is not only a certified/licensed but also who will be provide a personal companionship . Gender and age and not exactly variables in predisposing factors it would be inhibiting factors are a memory and missing and any negative thoughts toward nursing home. A major significant enabling factor is the gaining aspect. Two major latent variables would know that the is 24/7 help around the clock and there will always be professional seconds away. The combinations of being predisposed to have the most influence on demand for retirement housing and live in caregivers. These implications for housing developers to prepare retirement agency and housing for senior citizens, in particular with the all aging baby boomers. The cost of the care treatment can be expressively steep. The American Association of Retired Persons reports that the typical nursing home and in-home care providers charge costs an average of $50,000 a year depending on the facility and contracted care provider. Many senior individuals mistakenly believe that Medicare will cover their nursing care provider. However, Medicare is not structured to pay any long-term care. Medicaid, known as a federal insurance program for low-income individuals, will and may be covered in a nursing home care, and or in home caregiver for those that choose to on their property. Technology Concept: life Senior Configure allows seniors to retain their independence with minimal assistance, who also are profession Caregiver, CNA, Registered Nurses, Business Profession who serve as a personal concierge services that are in demand such as, transportation services, companionship home cleaning, cleaning services, attending Dr. appointments, nutrition monitoring, meal preparation, running errands, light chores and other dozens of other services to offer, depending on the client’s needs. Implementation for technological advancement with life Senior Concierge clients are given a unique solution with help the of technology. The company has developed an innovative web portal called Bell Service for seniors to be able to get top quality care while no concierge is present in their own home that gives them the opportunity to be constantly connected life Senior Concierge web platform that will associate clients, relatives, concierges directly to the office so that every one can cooperate for guaranteeing the best care. The portal can be logged on via mobile, tablet and computer and be while on clients can schedule, request simply needs prior to assistance time (such as shopping needs grocery, and prescription pick up duties) survey care logs, set needs, and request immediate assistance 24/7. In conclusion, technology has transformed the way we communicate, it has created a big impact in how businesses interact with consumers. (UOT) With the use of hiring life Senior Care as implemented as hiring procedure referred to as a 360guard. To ensure trust between company and client it is highly important that each concierge is able to provide the most perfect care humanly conceivable. Eternity Senior Care executes developments separated from a firm and intensive enrolling procedure and screening strategies. 360guard while reviewing the needs of the client each concierge. The selecting process is very thoroughly numerous screening procedure quality in the candidates and intensive background verification on every concierge prior to assisting. Along with mandatory weekly meeting that require updates on clients and elated advising, counselling and training designed specifically to meet up the requirements of the particular concierge. Senior Concierge also offers clients and families the choice of gps wrist band watch locators and in home surveillance systems.
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Business Implementation Plan
Institutional Affiliation




In developing any business implementation plan it is always good to bear in mind that
whereas everything may look perfect on the blueprint, there are some barriers that may delay or
affect the implementation plan. In order to avoid frustrations, it is necessary to know the
assumptions that are to be made. There are many factors that are assumed that would either favor
the plan or create challenges if they occurred. An occurrence of these assumed factors or lack of it
is imperative and significant. Based on this plan, the housing project for senior American has raised
a green light to planners and the implementers of the urban setup. But putting these structures have
had challenges to implement the entire project to completion. Therefore, there are some
assumptions within the scope of the implementation plan that have to be made.
The first assumption is that of market segmentation that has to be considered. There has
been the issue on the larger part of the United States of America with senior citizens having a
high need for the private accommodation beside stable families. The project will have stagnation
within the assumed market such as that; there could be senior people who will have to stay along
with their beloved families. The limit, as well as the extent of putting up these structures majorly
for them, will have to take into considerations the specific needs and the ideas of every
individual before moving forward with the project. Therefore, as an implementation manager to
be on the safe side of the project, a unique market survey must be carried out to determine the
exact logic ideas behind every senior retiree of the United States of America to have live-in
caregiver as well as retirement housing.
The project implementation assumes that the project will be concluded within the set
time. The time expected to see all procedures and the elements of the project complete within the



stipulated time frame is an issue that has to be considered. The whole process includes
consultations among stake holders and the resources mobilization. Such critical issues will have
to consume time, and the scheduled events end up being affected. Time is a factor that has been
the critical issue in most projects within the implementation plan. Therefore, one should plan on
addition period that will see all ideas collected from every stakeholder included without blaming
time as a constraint for the completion of the project.
Predisposing factors assume that seniors will have to relocate to the retirement housing
immediately the project is complete. This instead remains to be latent variables that could be by
them being uncomfortable in staying away from their children, being independent and selfr...

Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.


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