Penn Foster College to Increase Muscle Strength and Endurance SMART Goal Discussion

User Generated


Health Medical

Penn Foster College


For the fitness, health or nutrition goal you've identified, make it a SMART goal.  

1.  List your goal as you stated in your introduction video.  (1pt)

My goal is to increase muscle strength and endurance.

Instructions:  Now let's make it SMART!  

  • In the text entry box, write each word representing the SMART acronym.  After each word, write your answer according to the criteria below.

2.  Specific - what do you want to exactly happen?  (1pt)

  • avoid general statements.  Make it specific and exact!
  • make it something you can accomplish in 16 weeks
  • Ex.  Increase my squat strength by 30 pounds; eat an apple 4 days out of 7. 

3.  Measurable - you will have reached your goal when?  (how will you be able to know?)  (1pt)

  • Ex.  assess my squat strength using a Smith machine at 5, 10, 15 weeks

4.  Attainable - can you meet your goal, with effort, by your timeline?  Why?  (1pt)

  • Is it out of reach or too easy for you?  Why?
  • Ex.  lose 60lbs in 16 weeks-  Not attainable...goal is unrealistic!

5.  Relevant -  why is this goal worthwhile to you now? (1pt)  

6.  Timely - Can you accomplish this goal in 16 weeks?  Is it reasonable...why...justify? (1.5pt)

7.  What are the consequences of NOT achieving this goal, at this time?  Reflect on how you will feel/outcomes, if goal is not met.   

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.


SMART goal

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SMART goal
The goal stated in the introduction video is "To increase muscle strength and
endurance." The goal is analyzed based on the SMART framework.
To make the goal specific, it can be rephrased to state" to increase the muscle strength
and endurance by approximately 30 pounds within 16 weeks....

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