4 questions minimum of 900 words in APA format

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In the year 2100, there was a young man named Jim who could travel through time. This young man has had serious infractions with the juvenile justice system. He has decided to travel back through time to start his life over.

He has a choice of two time periods. One is during the colonial period of America, and the other is during the early 21st century. Knowing Jim’s propensity for finding trouble, what would happen to him if he committed the crime of breaking and entering with the aggravating circumstances of assault during the colonial period? What would happen to him if he committed the same crime in the 21st century? This assignment will cover the history of the juvenile justice system, juvenile courts, and corrections, as well as theories that would be related to Jim and treatment options during both periods of time.

Assignment Guidelines

    • What would happen to him if he committed the crime of breaking and entering with the aggravating circumstances of assault during the colonial period? Explain in detail.
      • List the punishments and the reasons for why they are given.
      • List any theories that may be relevant to the topic.
    • What would happen to him if he committed the same crime in the 21st century? Explain in detail.
      • List the punishments and the reasons for why they are given.
      • List any theories that may be relevant to the topic.
    • Explain the procedure of the criminal justice system during both periods of time.
    • Will diversion be relevant during both periods of time? Will there be preventive options during both periods of time?
  • Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

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Explanation & Answer



History of the Juvenile Justice System
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Jim’s Case and the Juvenile Justice System
The society thrives in conditions of law and order. For any crime that is committed, there
are consequences that will follow. This has been the way of doing things in the society from way
back to recent times. In as much as times keep on changing, consequences and punishments have
always been there only that the way of administering them has been evolving. For the case of
Jim, the crime of breaking and entering with aggravating circumstances of assault would attract
different punishments in colonial period and 21st century. Common among them is that the
crimes would be allowed to go scot free.
If it were in the colonial period, Jim would stand to face a number of punishments that
were a bit harsher than sitting in prison. During those times, wooden structures would be placed
on the hands, head or feet of Jim for everybody to see the crimes committed. These were called
stocks, used on the feet and the pillory on hands an...

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