How many citizens must each missionary need to talk to per day

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Business Finance


Choose one country that you might like to visit. Select a duration for your trip between two and six weeks, and then choose a number of participants between 5 and 10 people. Suppose one goal of your group is to speak to every adult citizen in the country. How many citizens must each missionary need to talk to per day, per hour, and per second to speak to every adult citizen in that country? Is that goal reasonable?

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Country Aruba Duration Weeks Participants Population 2 5 113648 Persons per Calculations Number of Periods Participants Population period Per Day 14 5 113,648 1,624 Per Hour 336 5 113,648 68 NOTE: that is 24 hours per day Per Second 1,209,600 5 113,648 0.02 NOTE: that is 3600 seconds per hour
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Number of Citizens must Each Missionary Need to talk to per Day
The country I would like to visit is Aruba, for a duration of two weeks in a company of five
participants for a missionary work. Notably, Aruba has an estimated adult population of 113,648
persons, of which one of the primary objectives is to ensure that the group speaks to every adult
resident in the country. As a result, in a bre...

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