Taylor I Have Applied Information Governance Related to Digital Forensics Reflection

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Computer Science

Taylor University


Practical Connections Paper - I'm working as It Consultant & pursuing Information Governance which is related to Digital Forensic.

Provide a reflection of at least 700 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment.

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Explanation & Answer

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Personal Reflection

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Personal Reflection
As an IT consultant, I have applied information governance related to digital forensics in
various ways. They include; information governance in digital forensics has enabled me to collect,
preserve process, and analyze computer-related evidence quickly. This has enabled me to identify
work vulnerabilities and develop ways of mitigating them, thus advising a company on the best
ways of mitigating vulnerabilities. Additionally, digital forensic skills have enabled me to search
evidence of any criminal activities to determine the vulnerabilities that cybercrimes might have
exploited. This gives me the ability to advise the company on the measures to take, and the
evidence needed.
Secondly, the knowledge obtained from this course has enabled me to be able to advise
companies on the technology that can prevent hackers from accessing their websites or network.
This enables my clients to be able to safeguard their systems and information, thus avoiding risks
of losing their information through ways such as data breaches. Thirdly, information governance
in forensic data analysis has enabled me to effectively examine the structured data in regards to
incidents of financial crime. It has enabled me to discover and analyze patterns of fraudulent
activities, thus offering services to my clients concerning the financial crime detected. Such
services include advising them on the next steps to undertake when dealing with the issue and how
to handle it effectively to get to the root cause of the crime.
Fourthly, information governance in network forensics has enabled me to be able to
effectively monitor and analyze computer network traffic for information gathering, intrusion
detection, or legal evidence. After gathering enough information from a network, I am able to
advise the company on whether the information obtained is helpful in the operati...

I was struggling with this subject, and this helped me a ton!


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