Econom c Manuscr pts: VALUE, PRICE AND PROFIT
Value, Pr ce and Prof t
Before entering into the subject-matter, allow me to make a few preliminary remarks.
There reigns now on the Continent a real epidemic of strikes, and a general clamour for
a rise of wages. The question will turn up at our Congress. You, as the head of the
International Association, ought to have settled convictions upon this paramount
question. For my own part, I considered it therefore my duty to enter fully into the
matter, even at the peril of putting your patience to a severe test.
Another preliminary remark I have to make in regard to Citizen Weston. He has not
only proposed to you, but has publicly defended, in the interest of the working class, as
he thinks, opinions he knows to be most unpopular with the working class. Such an
exhibition of moral courage all of us must highly honour. I hope that, despite the
unvarnished style of my paper, at its conclusion he will find me agreeing with what
appears to me the just idea lying at the bottom of his theses, which, however, in their
present form, I cannot but consider theoretically false and practically dangerous.
I shall now at once proceed to the business before us.
I. Production and Wages
Citizen Weston's argument rested, in fact, upon two premises: firstly, the amount of
national production is a fixed thing, a constant quantity or magnitude, as the
mathematicians would say; secondly, that the amount of real wages, that is to say, of
wages as measured by the quantity of the commodities they can buy, is a fixed amount,
a constant magnitude.
Now, his first assertion is evidently erroneous. Year after year you will find that the
value and mass of production increase, that the productive powers of the national
labour increase, and that the amount of money necessary to circulate this increasing
production continuously changes. What is true at the end of the year, and for different
years compared with each other, is true for every average day of the year. The amount
or magnitude of national production changes continuously. It is not a constant but a
variable magnitude, and apart from changes in population it must be so, because of the
continuous change in the accumulation of capital and the productive powers of labour.
It is perfectly true that if a rise in the general rate of wages should take place today, that
rise, whatever its ulterior effects might be, would, by itself, not immediately change the
amount of production. It would, in the first instance, proceed from the existing state of
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Econom c Manuscr pts: VALUE, PRICE AND PROFIT
things. But if before the rise of wages the national production was variable, and not
fixed, it will continue to be variable and not fixed after the rise of wages.
But suppose the amount of national production to be constant instead of variable.
Even then, what our friend Weston considers a logical conclusion would still remain a
gratuitous assertion. If I have a given number, say eight, the absolute limits of this
number do not prevent its parts from changing their relative limits. If profits were six
and wages two, wages might increase to six and profits decrease to two, and still the
total amount remain eight. The fixed amount of production would by no means prove
the fixed amount of wages. How then does our friend Weston prove this fixity? By
asserting it.
But even conceding him his assertion, it would cut both ways, while he presses it only
in one direction. If the amount of wages is a constant magnitude, then it can be neither
increased nor diminished. If then, in enforcing a temporary rise of wages, the working
men act foolishly, the capitalists, in enforcing a temporary fall of wages, would act not
less foolishly. Our friend Weston does not deny that, under certain circumstances, the
working men can enforce a rise of wages, but their amount being naturally fixed, there
must follow a reaction. On the other hand, he knows also that the capitalists can
enforce a fall of wages, and, indeed, continuously try to enforce it. According to the
principle of the constancy of wages, a reaction ought to follow in this case not less than
in the former. The working men, therefore, reacting against the attempt at, or the act
of, lowering wages, would act rightly. They would, therefore, act rightly in enforcing a
rise of wages, because every reaction against the lowering of wages is an action for
raising wages. According to Citizen Weston's own principle of the constancy of wages,
the working men ought, therefore, under certain circumstances, to combine and
struggle for a rise of wages. If he denies this conclusion, he must give up the premise
from which it flows. He must not say that the amount of wages is a constant quantity,
but that, although it cannot and must not rise, it can and must fall, whenever capital
pleases to lower it. If the capitalist pleases to feed you upon potatoes instead of upon
meat, and upon oats instead of upon wheat, you must accept his will as a law of
political economy, and submit to it. If in one country the rate of wages is higher than in
another, in the United States, for example, than in England, you must explain this
difference in the rate of wages by a difference between the will of the American
capitalist and the will of the English capitalist, a method which would certainly very
much simplify, not only the study of economic phenomena, but of all other phenomena.
But even then, we might ask, why the will of the American capitalist differs from the
will of the English capitalist? And to answer the question you must go beyond the
domain of will. A person may tell me that God wills one thing in France, and another
thing in England. If I summon him to explain this duality of will, he might have the
brass to answer me that God wills to have one will in France and another will in
England. But our friend Weston is certainly the last man to make an argument of such
a complete negation of all reasoning.
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The will of the capitalist is certainly to take as much as possible. What we have to do
is not to talk about his will, but to enquire into his power, the limits of that power,
and the character of those limits.
II. Production, Wages, Profits
The address Citizen Weston read to us might have been compressed into a nutshell.
All his reasoning amounted to this: If the working class forces the capitalist class to
pay five shillings instead of four shillings in the shape of money wages, the capitalist
will return in the shape of commodities four shillings' worth instead of five shillings'
worth. The working class would have to pay five shillings for what, before the rise of
wages, they bought with four shillings. But why is this the case? Why does the capitalist
only return four shillings' worth for five shillings? Because the amount of wages is
fixed. By why is it fixed at four shillings' worth of commodities? Why not at three, or
two, or any other sum? If the limit of the amount of wages is settled by an economical
law, independent alike of the will of the capitalist and the will of the working man, the
first thing Citizen Weston had to do was to state that law and prove it. He ought then,
moreover, to have proved that the amount of wages actually paid at every given
moment always corresponds exactly to the necessary amount of wages, and never
deviates from it. If, on the other hand, the given limit of the amount of wages is
founded on the mere will of the capitalist, or the limits of his avarice, it is an arbitrary
limit. There is nothing necessary in it. It may be changed by the will of the capitalist,
and may, therefore, be changed against his will.
Citizen Weston illustrated his theory by telling you that a bowl contains a certain
quantity of soup, to be eaten by a certain number of persons, an increase in the
broadness of the spoons would produce no increase in the amount of soup. He must
allow me to find this illustration rather spoony. It reminded me somewhat of the simile
employed by Menenius Agrippa. When the Roman plebeians struck against the Roman
patricians, the patrician Agrippa told them that the patrician belly fed the plebeian
members of the body politic. Agrippa failed to show that you feed the members of one
man by filling the belly of another. Citizen Weston, on his part, has forgotten that the
bowl from which the workmen eat is filled with the whole produce of national labour,
and that what prevents them fetching more out of it is neither the narrowness of the
bowl nor the scantiness of its contents, but only the smallness of their spoons.
By what contrivance is the capitalist enabled to return four shillings' worth for five
shillings? By raising the price of the commodity he sells. Now, does a rise and more
generally a change in the prices of commodities, do the prices of commodities
themselves, depend on the mere will of the capitalist? Or are, on the contrary, certain
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Econom c Manuscr pts: VALUE, PRICE AND PROFIT
circumstances wanted to give effect to that will? If not, the ups and downs, the
incessant fluctuations of market prices, become an insoluble riddle.
As we suppose that no change whatever has taken place either in the productive
powers of labour, or in the amount of capital and labour employed, or in the value of
the money wherein the values of products are estimated, but only a change in the
rate of wages, how could that rise of wages affect the prices of commodities? Only
by affecting the actual proportion between the demand for, and the supply of these
It is perfectly true that, considered as a whole, the working class spends, and must
spend, its income upon necessaries. A general rise in the rate of wages would,
therefore, produce a rise in the demand for, and consequently in the market prices of
necessaries. The capitalists who produce these necessaries would be compensated for
the risen wages by the rising market prices of their commodities. But how with the
other capitalists who do not produce necessaries? And you must not fancy them a small
body. If you consider that two-thirds of the national produce are consumed by one-fifth
of the population — a member of the House of Commons stated it recently to be but
one-seventh of the population — you will understand what an immense proportion of
the national produce must be produced in the shape of luxuries, or be exchanged for
luxuries, and what an immense amount of the necessaries themselves must be wasted
upon flunkeys, horses, cats, and so forth, a waste we know from experience to become
always much limited with the rising prices of necessaries.
Well, what would be the position of those capitalists who do not produce
necessaries? For the fall in the rate of profit, consequent upon the general rise of
wages, they could not compensate themselves by a rise in the price of their
commodities, because the demand for those commodities would not have increased.
Their income would have decreased, and from this decreased income they would have
to pay more for the same amount of higher-priced necessaries. But this would not be
all. As their income had diminished they would have less to spend upon luxuries, and
therefore their mutual demand for their respective commodities would diminish.
Consequent upon this diminished demand the prices of their commodities would fall.
In these branches of industry, therefore, the rate of profit would fall, not only in
simple proportion to the general rise in the rate of wages, but in the compound ratio of
the general rise of wages, the rise in the prices of necessaries, and the fall in the prices
of luxuries.
What would be the consequence of this difference in the rates of profit for capitals
employed in the different branches of industry? Why, the consequence that generally
obtains whenever, from whatever reason, the average rate of profit comes to differ in
different spheres of production. Capital and labour would be transferred from the less
remunerative to the more remunerative branches; and this process of transfer would go
on until the supply in the one department of industry would have risen proportionately
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Econom c Manuscr pts: VALUE, PRICE AND PROFIT
to the increased demand, and would have sunk in the other departments according to
the decreased demand. This change effected, the general rate of profit would again be
equalized in the different branches. As the whole derangement originally arose from a
mere change in the proportion of the demand for, and supply of, different
commodities, the cause ceasing, the effect would cease, and PRICES would return to
their former level and equilibrium. Instead of being limited to some branches of
industry, the fall in the rate of profit consequent upon the rise of wages would have
become general. According to our supposition, there would have taken place no change
in the productive powers of labour, nor in the aggregate amount of production, but that
given amount of production would have changed its form. A greater part of the
produce would exist in the shape of necessaries, a lesser part in the shape of luxuries,
or what comes to the same, a lesser part would be exchanged for foreign luxuries, and
be consumed in its original form, or, what again comes to the same, a greater part of
the native produce would be exchanged for foreign necessaries instead of for luxuries.
The general rise in the rate of wages would, therefore, after a temporary disturbance of
market prices, only result in a general fall of the rate of profit without any permanent
change in the prices of commodities. If I am told that in the previous argument I
assume the whole surplus wages to be spent upon necessaries, I answer that I have
made the supposition most advantageous to the opinion of Citizen Weston. If the
surplus wages were spent upon articles formerly not entering into the consumption of
the working men, the real increase of their purchasing power would need no proof.
Being, however, only derived from an advance of wages, that increase of their
purchasing power must exactly correspond to the decrease of the purchasing power of
the capitalists. The aggregate demand for commodities would, therefore, not increase,
but the constituent parts of that demand would change. The increasing demand on the
one side would be counterbalanced by the decreasing demand on the other side. Thus
the aggregate demand remaining stationary, no change whatever could take place in
the market prices of commodities. You arrive, therefore, at this dilemma: Either the
surplus wages are equally spent upon all articles of consumption — then the expansion
of demand on the part of the working class must be compensated by the contraction of
demand on the part of the capitalist class — or the surplus wages are only spent upon
some articles whose market prices will temporarily rise. The consequent rise in the rate
of profit in some, and the consequent fall in the rate of profit in other branches of
industry will produce a change in the distribution of capital and labour, going on until
the supply is brought up to the increased demand in the one department of industry,
and brought down to the diminished demand in the other departments of industry. On
the one supposition there will occur no change in the prices of commodities. On the
other supposition, after some fluctuations of market prices, the exchangeable values of
commodities will subside to the former level. On both suppositions the general rise in
the rate of wages will ultimately result in nothing else but a general fall in the rate of
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Econom c Manuscr pts: VALUE, PRICE AND PROFIT
To stir up your powers of imagination Citizen Weston requested you to think of the
difficulties which a general rise of English agricultural wages from nine shillings to
eighteen shillings would produce. Think, he exclaimed, of the immense rise in the
demand for necessaries, and the consequent fearful rise in their prices! Now, all of you
know that the average wages of the American agricultural labourer amount to more
than double that of the English agricultural labourer, although the prices of agricultural
produce are lower in the United States than in the United Kingdom, although the
general relations of capital and labour obtain in the United States the same as in
England, and although the annual amount of production is much smaller in the United
States than in England. Why, then, does our friend ring this alarm bell? Simply to shift
the real question before us. A sudden rise of wages from nine shillings to eighteen
shillings would be a sudden rise to the amount of 100 percent. Now, we are not at all
discussing the question whether the general rate of wages in England could be
suddenly increased by 100 percent. We have nothing at all to do with the magnitude of
the rise, which in every practical instance must depend on, and be suited to, given
circumstances. We have only to inquire how a general rise in the rate of wages, even if
restricted to one percent, will act.
Dismissing friend Weston's fancy rise of 100 percent, I propose calling your attention
to the real rise of wages that took place in Great Britain from 1849 to 1859.
You are all aware of the Ten Hours Bill, or rather Ten-and-a-half Hours Bill,
introduced since 1848. This was one of the greatest economical changes we have
witnessed. It was a sudden and compulsory rise of wages, not in some local trades, but
in the leading industrial branches by which England sways the markets of the world. It
was a rise of wages under circumstances singularly unpropitious. Dr. Ure, Professor
Senior, and all the other official economical mouthpieces of the middle class, [The
aristocracy was the upper class of Great Britain, while the capitalists composed what
was known to Marx as the middle class] proved, and I must say upon much stronger
grounds than those of our friend Weston, that it would sound the death-knell of
English industry. They proved that it not only amounted to a simple rise of wages, but
to a rise of wages initiated by, and based upon, a diminution of the quantity of labour
employed. They asserted that the twelfth hour you wanted to take from the capitalist
was exactly the only hour from which he derived his profit. They threatened a decrease
of accumulation, rise of prices, loss of markets, stinting of production, consequent
reaction upon wages, ultimate ruin. In fact, they declared Maximillian Robespierre's
Maximum Laws[1] to be a small affair compared to it; and they were right in a certain
sense. Well, what was the result? A rise in the money wages of the factory operatives,
despite the curtailing of the working day, a great increase in the number of factory
hands employed, a continuous fall in the prices of their products, a marvellous
development in the productive powers of their labour, an unheard-of progressive
expansion of the markets for their commodities. In Manchester, at the meeting, in
1860, of the Society for the Advancement of Science, I myself heard Mr. Newman
confess that he, Dr. Ure, Senior, and all other official propounders of economical
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Econom c Manuscr pts: VALUE, PRICE AND PROFIT
science had been wrong, while the instinct of the people had been right. I mention Mr.
W. Newman, not Professor Francis Newman, because he occupies an eminent position
in economical science, as the contributor to, and editor of, Mr. Thomas Tooke's History
Of Prices, that magnificent work which traces the history of prices from 1793 to 1856.
If our friend Weston's fixed idea of a fixed amount of wages, a fixed amount of
production, a fixed degree of the productive power of labour, a fixed and permanent
will of the capitalist, and all his other fixedness and finality were correct, Professor
Senior's woeful forebodings would been right, and Robert Owen[2], who already in 1816
proclaimed a general limitation of the working day the first preparatory step to the
emancipation of the working class, and actually in the teeth of the general prejudice
inaugurated it on his own hook in his cotton factory at New Lanark, would have been
In the very same period during which the introduction of the Ten Hours Bill, and the
rise of wages consequent upon it, occurred, there took place in Great Britain, for
reasons which it would be out of place to enumerate here, a general rise in
agricultural wages. Although it is not required for my immediate purpose, in order
not to mislead you, I shall make some preliminary remarks.
If a man got two shillings weekly wages, and if his wages rose to four shillings, the
rate of wages would have risen by 100 per cent. This would seem a very magnificent
thing if expressed as a rise in the rate of wages, although the actual amount of
wages, four shillings weekly, would still remain a wretchedly small, a starvation
pittance. You must not, therefore, allow yourselves to be carried away by the high
sounding per cents in rate of wages. You must always ask: What was the original
Moreover, you will understand, that if there were ten men receiving each 2s. per
week, five men receiving each 5s., and five men receiving 11s. weekly, the twenty men
together would receive 100s., or £5, weekly. If then a rise, say by 20 per cent, upon the
aggregate sum of their weekly wages took place, there would be an advance from £5 to
£6. Taking the average, we might say that the general rate of wages had risen by 20
per cent, although, in fact, the wages of the ten men had remained stationary, the
wages of the one lot of five men had risen from 5s. to 6s. only, and the wages of the
other lot of five from 55s. to 70s.[3] One half of the men would not have improved at all
their position, one quarter would have improved it in an imperceptible degree, and
only one quarter would have bettered it really. Still, reckoning by the average, the total
amount of the wages of those twenty men would have increased by 25 per cent, and as
far as the aggregate capital that employs them, and the prices of the commodities they
produce, are concerned, it would be exactly the same as if all of them had equally
shared in the average rise of wages. In the case of agricultural labour, the standard
wages being very different in the different counties of England and Scotland, the rise
affected them very unequally.
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Econom c Manuscr pts: VALUE, PRICE AND PROFIT
Lastly, during the period when that rise of wages took place counteracting influences
were at work such as the new taxes consequent upon the Russian war, the extensive
demolition of the dwelling-houses of the agricultural labourers, and so forth. Having
premised so much, I proceed to state that from 1849 to 1859 there took place a rise of
about 40 percent in the average rate of the agricultural wages of Great Britain. I could
give you ample details in proof of my assertion, but for the present purpose think it
sufficient to refer you to the conscientious and critical paper read in 1860 by the late
Mr. John C. Morton at the London Society of Arts on “The Forces used in Agriculture.”
Mr. Morton gives the returns, from bills and other authentic documents, which he had
collected from about one hundred farmers, residing in twelve Scotch and thirty-five
English counties.
According to our friend Weston's opinion, and taken together with the simultaneous
rise in the wages of the factory operatives, there ought to have occurred a tremendous
rise in the prices of agricultural produce during the period 1849 to 1859. But what is
the fact? Despite the Russian war, and the consecutive unfavourable harvests from
1854 to 1856, the average price of wheat, which is the leading agricultural produce of
England, fell from about 3 Pounds per quarter for the years 1838 to 1848 to about 2
Pounds 10 Shillings per quarter for the years 1849 to 1859. This constitutes a fall in the
price of wheat of more than 16 percent simultaneously with an average rise of
agricultural wages of 40 percent. During the same period, if we compare its end with its
beginning, 1859 with 1849, there was a decrease of official pauperism from 934,419 to
860,470, the difference being 73,949; a very small decrease, I grant, and which in the
following years was again lost, but still a decrease.
It might be said that, consequent upon the abolition of the Corn Laws, the import of
foreign corn was more than doubled during the period from 1849 to 1859, as compared
with the period from 1838 to 1848. And what of that? From Citizen Weston's
standpoint one would have expected that this sudden, immense, and continuously
increasing demand upon foreign markets must have sent up the prices of agricultural
produce there to a frightful height, the effect of increased demand remaining the same,
whether it comes from without or from within. What was the fact? Apart from some
years of failing harvests, during all that period the ruinous fall in the price of corn
formed a standing theme of declamation in France; the Americans were again and
again compelled to burn their surplus produce; and Russia, if we are to believe Mr.
Urquhart, prompted the Civil War in the United States because her agricultural exports
were crippled by the Yankee competition in the markets of Europe.
Reduced to its abstract form, Citizen Weston's argument would come to this: Every
rise in demand occurs always on the basis of a given amount of production. It can,
therefore, never increase the supply of the articles demanded, but can only
enhance their money prices. Now the most common observation shows than an
increased demand will, in some instances, leave the market prices of commodities
altogether unchanged, and will, in other instances, cause a temporary rise of market
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prices followed by an increased supply, followed by a reduction of the prices to their
original level, and in many cases below their original level. Whether the rise of demand
springs from surplus wages, or from any other cause, does not at all change the
conditions of the problem. From Citizen Weston's standpoint the general phenomenon
was as difficult to explain as the phenomenon occurring under the exceptional
circumstances of a rise of wages. His argument had, therefore, no peculiar bearing
whatever upon the subject we treat. It only expressed his perplexity at accounting for
the laws by which an increase of demand produces an increase of supply, instead of an
ultimate rise of market prices.
III. Wages and Currency
On the second day of the debate our friend Weston clothed his old assertions in new
forms. He said: Consequent upon a general rise in money wages, more currency will be
wanted to pay the same wages. The currency being fixed, how can you pay with this
fixed currency increased money wages? First the difficulty arose from the fixed amount
of commodities accruing to the working man despite his increase of money wages; now
it arises from the increased money wages, despite the fixed amount of commodities. Of
course, if you reject his original dogma, his secondary grievance will disappear.
However, I shall show that this currency question has nothing at all to do with the
subject before us.
In your country the mechanism of payments is much more perfected than in any
other country of Europe. Thanks to the extent and concentration of the banking
system, much less currency is wanted to circulate the same amount of values, and to
transact the same or a greater amount of business. For example, as far as wages are
concerned, the English factory operative pays his wages weekly to the shopkeeper, who
sends them weekly to the banker, who returns them weekly to the manufacturer, who
again pays them away to his working men, and so forth. By this contrivance the yearly
wages of an operative, say of 52 Pounds, may be paid by one single Sovereign turning
round every week in the same circle. Even in England the mechanism is less perfect
than in Scotland, and is not everywhere equally perfect; and therefore we find, for
example, that in some agricultural districts, much more currency is wanted to circulate
a much smaller amount of values.
If you cross the Channel you will find that the money wages are much lower than in
England, but that they are circulated in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, and France by a
much larger amount of currency. The same Sovereign will not be so quickly
intercepted by the banker or returned to the industrial capitalist; and, therefore,
instead of one Sovereign circulating 52 Pounds yearly, you want, perhaps, three
Sovereigns to circulate yearly wages to the amount of 25 Pounds. Thus, by comparing
continental countries with England, you will see at once that low money wages may
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require a much larger currency for their circulation than high money wages, and that
this is, in fact, a merely technical point, quite foreign to our subject.
According to the best calculations I know, the yearly income of the working class of
this country may be estimated at 250,000,000 Pounds. This immense sum is circulated
by about three million Pounds. Suppose a rise of wages of fifty per cent to take place.
Then, instead of three millions of currency, four and a half millions would be wanted.
As a very considerable part of the working-man's daily expenses is laid out in silver and
copper, that is to say, in mere tokens, whose relative value to gold is arbitrarily fixed by
law, like that of inconvertible money paper, a rise of money wages by fifty per cent
would, in the extreme case, require and additional circulation of Sovereigns, say to the
amount of one million. One million, now dormant, in the shape of bullion or coin, in
the cellars of the Bank of England, or of private bankers would circulate. But even the
trifling expense resulting from the additional minting or the additional wear and tear of
that million might be spared, and would actually be spared, if any friction should arise
from the want of the additional currency. All of you know that the currency of this
country is divided into two great departments. One sort, supplied by bank-notes of
different descriptions, is used in the transactions between dealers and dealers, and the
larger payments from consumers to dealers, while another sort of currency, metallic
coin, circulates in the retail trade. Although distinct, these two sorts of currency
intermix with each other. Thus gold coin, to a very great extent, circulates even in
larger payments for all the odd sums under 5 Pounds. If tomorrow 4 Pound notes, or 3
Pound notes, or 2 Pound notes were issued, the gold filling these channels of
circulation would at once be driven out of them, and flow into those channels where
they would be needed from the increase of money wages. Thus the additional million
required by an advance of wages by fifty per cent would be supplied without the
addition of one single Sovereign. The same effect might be produced, without one
additional bank-note, by an additional bill circulation, as was the case in Lancashire for
a very considerable time.
If a general rise in the rate of wages, for example, of 100 per cent, as Citizen Weston
supposed it to take place in agricultural wages, would produce a great rise in the prices
of necessaries, and, according to his views, require an additional amount of currency
not to be procured, a general fall in wages must produce the same effect, on the
same scale, in the opposite direction. Well! All of you know that the years 1858 to 1860
were the most prosperous years for the cotton industry, and that peculiarly the year
1860 stands in that respect unrivalled in the annals of commerce, while at the same
time all other branches of industry were most flourishing. The wages of the cotton
operatives and of all the other working men connected with their trade stood, in 1860,
higher than ever before. The American crisis came, and those aggregate wages were
suddenly reduced to about one-fourth of their former amount. This would have been in
the opposite direction a rise of 400 per cent. If wages rise from five to twenty, we say
that they rise by 400 per cent; if they fall from twenty to five, we say that they fall by
seventy-five per cent; but the amount of rise in the one and the amount of fall in the
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other case would be the same, namely, fifteen shillings. This, then, was a sudden
change in the rate of wages unprecedented, and at the same time extending over a
number of operatives which, if we count all the operatives not only directly engaged in
but indirectly dependent upon the cotton trade, was larger by one-half than the
number of agricultural labourers. Did the price of wheat fall? It rose from the annual
average of 47 shillings 8d per quarter during the three years of 1858-1860 to the annual
average of 55 shillings 10d per quarter during the three years 1861-1863. As to the
currency, there were coined in the mint in 1861 8,673,323 Pounds, against 3,378,792
Pounds in 1860. That is to say, there were coined 5,294,440 Pounds more in 1861 than
in 1860. It is true the bank-note circulation was in 1861 less by 1,319,000 Pounds than
in 1860. Take this off. There remains still a surplus of currency for the year 1861, as
compared with the prosperity year, 1860, to the amount of 3,975,440 Pounds, or about
4,000,000 Pounds; but the bullion reserve in the Bank of England had simultaneously
decreased, not quite to the same, but in an approximating proportion.
Compare the year 1862 with 1842. Apart from the immense increase in the value and
amount of commodities circulated, in 1862 the capital paid in regular transactions for
shares, loans, etc. for the railways in England and Wales amounted alone to
320,000,000 Pounds, a sum that would have appeared fabulous in 1842. Still, the
aggregate amounts in currency in 1862 and 1842 were pretty nearly equal, and
generally you will find a tendency to a progressive diminution of currency in the face of
enormously increasing value, not only of commodities, but of monetary transactions
generally. From our friend Weston's standpoint this is an unsolvable riddle. Looking
somewhat deeper into this matter, he would have found that, quite apart from wages,
and supposing them to be fixed, the value and mass of the commodities to be
circulated, and generally the amount of monetary transactions to be settled, vary daily;
that the amount of bank-notes issued varies daily; that the amount of payments
realized without the intervention of any money, by the instrumentality of bills, cheques,
book-credits, clearing houses, varies daily; that, as far as actual metallic currency is
required, the proportion between the coin in circulation and the coin and bullion in
reserve or sleeping in the cellars of banks varies daily; that the amount of bullion
absorbed by the national circulation and the amount being sent abroad for
international circulation vary daily. He would have found that this dogma of a fixed
currency is a monstrous error, incompatible with our everyday movement. He would
have inquired into the laws which enable a currency to adapt itself to circumstances so
continually changing, instead of turning his misconception of the laws of currency into
an argument against a rise of wages.
IV. Supply and Demand
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Our friend Weston accepts the Latin proverb that “repetitio est mater studiorum,”
that is to say, that repetition is the mother of study, and consequently he repeated his
original dogma again under the new form, that the contraction of currency, resulting
from an enhancement of wages, would produce a diminution of capital, and so forth.
Having already dealt with his currency crotchet, I consider it quite useless to enter
upon the imaginary consequences he fancies to flow from his imaginary currency
mishap. I shall proceed to at once reduce his one and the same dogma, repeated in so
many different shapes, to its simplest theoretical form.
The uncritical way in which he has treated his subject will become evident from one
single remark. He pleads against a rise of wages or against high wages as the result of
such a rise. Now, I ask him: What are high wages and what are low wages? Why
constitute, for example, five shillings weekly low, and twenty shillings weekly high
wages? If five is low as compared with twenty, twenty is still lower as compared with
two hundred. If a man was to lecture on the thermometer, and commenced by
declaiming on high and low degrees, he would impart no knowledge whatever. He must
first tell me how the freezing-point is found out, and how the boiling-point, and how
these standard points are settled by natural laws, not by the fancy of the sellers or
makers of thermometers. Now, in regard to wages and profits, Citizen Weston has not
only failed to deduce such standard points from economical laws, but he has not even
felt the necessity to look after them. He satisfied himself with the acceptance of the
popular slang terms of low and high as something having a fixed meaning, although it
is self-evident that wages can only be said to be high or low as compared with a
standard by which to measure their magnitudes.
He will be unable to tell me why a certain amount of money is given for a certain
amount of labour. If he should answer me, “This was settled by the law of supply and
demand,” I should ask him, in the first instance, by what law supply and demand are
themselves regulated. And such an answer would at once put him out of court. The
relations between the supply and demand of labour undergo perpetual change, and
with them the market prices of labour. If the demand overshoots the supply wages rise;
if the supply overshoots the demand wages sink, although it might in such
circumstances be necessary to test the real state of demand and supply by a strike, for
example, or any other method. But if you accept supply and demand as the law
regulating wages, it would be as childish as useless to declaim against a rise of wages,
because, according to the supreme law you appeal to, a periodical rise of wages is quite
as necessary and legitimate as a periodical fall of wages. If you do not accept supply and
demand as the law regulating wages, I again repeat the question, why a certain amount
of money is given for a certain amount of labour?
But to consider matters more broadly: You would be altogether mistaken in fancying
that the value of labour or any other commodity whatever is ultimately fixed by supply
and demand. Supply and demand regulate nothing but the temporary fluctuations of
market prices. They will explain to you why the market price of a commodity rises
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Econom c Manuscr pts: VALUE, PRICE AND PROFIT
above or sinks below its value, but they can never account for the value itself. Suppose
supply and demand to equilibrate, or, as the economists call it, to cover each other.
Why, the very moment these opposite forces become equal they paralyze each other,
and cease to work in the one or other direction. At the moment when supply and
demand equilibrate each other, and therefore cease to act, the market price of a
commodity coincides with its real value, with the standard price round which its
market prices oscillate. In inquiring into the nature of that VALUE, we have therefore
nothing at all to do with the temporary effects on market prices of supply and demand.
The same holds true of wages and of the prices of all other commodities.
V. Wages and Prices
Reduced to their simplest theoretical expression, all our friend's arguments resolve
themselves into this one dogma: “The prices of commodities are determined or
regulated by wages."
I might appeal to practical observation to bear witness against this antiquated and
exploded fallacy. I might tell you that the English factory operatives, miners,
shipbuilders, and so forth, whose labour is relatively high-priced, undersell by the
cheapness of their produce all other nations; while the English agricultural labourer,
for example, whose labour is relatively low-priced, is undersold by almost every other
nation because of the dearness of his produce. By comparing article with article in the
same country, and the commodities of different countries, I might show, apart from
some exceptions more apparent than real, that on an average the high-priced labour
produces the low-priced, and low priced labour produces the high-priced commodities.
This, of course, would not prove that the high price of labour in the one, and its low
price in the other instance, are the respective causes of those diametrically opposed
effects, but at all events it would prove that the prices of commodities are not ruled by
the prices of labour. However, it is quite superfluous for us to employ this empirical
It might, perhaps, be denied that Citizen Weston has put forward the dogma: “The
prices of commodities are determined or regulated by wages.” In point of fact, he
has never formulated it. He said, on the contrary, that profit and rent also form
constituent parts of the prices of commodities, because it is out of the prices of
commodities that not only the working man's wages, but also the capitalist's profits and
the landlord's rents must be paid. But how in his idea are prices formed? First by
wages. Then an additional percentage is joined to the price on behalf of the capitalist,
and another additional percentage on behalf of the landlord. Suppose the wages of the
labour employed in the production of a commodity to be ten. If the rate of profit was
100 per cent, to the wages advanced the capitalist would add ten, and if the rate of rent
was also 100 per cent upon the wages, there would be added ten more, and the
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Econom c Manuscr pts: VALUE, PRICE AND PROFIT
aggregate price of the commodity would amount to thirty. But such a determination of
prices would be simply their determination by wages. If wages in the above case rose to
twenty, the price of the commodity would rise to sixty, and so forth. Consequently all
the superannuated writers on political economy who propounded the dogma that
wages regulate prices, have tried to prove it by treating profit and rent as mere
additional percentages upon wages. None of them were, of course, able to reduce the
limits of those percentages to any economic law. They seem, on the contrary, to think
profits settled by tradition, custom, the will of the capitalist, or by some other equally
arbitrary and inexplicable method. If they assert that they are settled by the
competition between the capitalists, they say nothing. That competition is sure to
equalize the different rates of profit in different trades, or reduce them to one average
level, but it can never determine the level itself, or the general rate of profit.
What do we mean by saying that the prices of the commodities are determined by
wages? Wages being but a name for the price of labour, we mean that the prices of
commodities are regulated by the price of labour. As “price” is exchangeable value —
and in speaking of value I speak always of exchangeable value — is exchangeable value
expressed in money, the proposition comes to this, that “the value of commodities is
determined by the value of labour,” or that “the value of labour is the general
measure of value."
But how, then, is the “value of labour” itself determined? Here we come to a
standstill. Of course, we come to a standstill if we try reasoning logically, yet the
propounders of that doctrine make short work of logical scruples. Take our friend
Weston, for example. First he told us that wages regulate the price of commodities and
that consequently when wages rise prices must rise. Then he turned round to show us
that a rise of wages will be no good because the prices of commodities had risen, and
because wages were indeed measured by the prices of the commodities upon which
they are spent. Thus we begin by saying that the value of labour determines the value of
commodities, and we wind up by saying that the value of commodities determines the
value of labour. Thus we move to and fro in the most vicious circle, and arrive at no
conclusion at all.
On the whole, it is evident that by making the value of one commodity, say labour,
corn, or any other commodity, the general measure and regulator of value, we only
shift the difficulty, since we determine one value by another, which on its side wants to
be determined.
The dogma that “wages determine the price of commodities,” expressed in its most
abstract terms, comes to this, that “value is determined by value,” and this tautology
means that, in fact, we know nothing at all about value. Accepting this premise, all
reasoning about the general laws of political economy turns into mere twaddle. It was,
therefore, the great merit of Ricardo that in his work on the principles of political
economy, published in 1817, he fundamentally destroyed the old popular, and wornhttps://www.marx sts.org/arch ve/marx/works/1865/value-pr ce-prof t/ch01.htm#c0
Econom c Manuscr pts: VALUE, PRICE AND PROFIT
out fallacy that “wages determine prices,” a fallacy which Adam Smith and his French
predecessors had spurned in the really scientific parts of their researches, but which
they reproduced in their more exoterical and vulgarizing chapters.
1. The Maximum Law was introduced during the Great French Revolution in 1792, fixing
definite price limits for commodities and standard rates of wages. The chief supporters of
the Maximum Law were the so-called “madmen” who represented the interests of the
urban and village poor. Robespierre, the leader of the Jacobin Party, introduced this law at
a time when the Jacobins as a result of tactical considerations had formed a bloc with the
“madmen.” – Ed.
2. Robert Owen (1771-1858) was a British manufacturer who became a utopian socialist.
He introduced in his factory the ten-hour day, and also organised sickness insurance,
consumers' co-operative societies, etc. – Ed.
3. These figures, 55s.-70s., refer to the total wages of the group of five men. The wage of
each man in the group would increase from 11s. to 14s. – Ed.
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The Wealth of Nations: Book 1
Chapter VI
Of the Component Parts of the Price of
n that early and rude state of society which precedes both the
accumulation of stock and the appropriation of land, the
proportion between the quantities of labour necessary for
acquiring different objects seems to be the only circumstance
which can afford any rule for exchanging them for one another. If
among a nation of hunters, for example, it usually costs twice the
labour to kill a beaver which it does to kill a deer, one beaver
should naturally exchange for or be worth two deer. It is natural
that what is usually the produce of two days’ or two hours’ labour,
should be worth double of what is usually the produce of one day’s
or one hour’s labour.
If the one species of labour should be more severe than the
other, some allowance will naturally be made for this superior
hardship; and the produce of one hour’s labour in the one way
may frequently exchange for that of two hours’ labour in the other.
Or if the one species of labour requires an uncommon degree of
dexterity and ingenuity, the esteem which men have for such
talents will naturally give a value to their produce, superior to
what would be due to the time employed about it. Such talents can
seldom be acquired but in consequence of long application, and
the superior value of their produce may frequently be no more
than a reasonable compensation for the time and labour which
must be spent in acquiring them. In the advanced state of society,
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allowances of this kind, for superior hardship and superior skill,
are commonly made in the wages of labour; and something of the
same kind must probably have taken place in its earliest and
rudest period.
In this state of things, the whole produce of labour belongs to
the labourer; and the quantity of labour commonly employed in
acquiring or producing any commodity is the only circumstance
which can regulate the quantity exchange for which it ought
commonly to purchase, command, or exchange for.
As soon as stock has accumulated in the hands of particular
persons, some of them will naturally employ it in setting to work
industrious people, whom they will supply with materials and
subsistence, in order to make a profit by the sale of their work, or
by what their labour adds to the value of the materials. In
exchanging the complete manufacture either for money, for
labour, or for other goods, over and above what may be sufficient
to pay the price of the materials, and the wages of the workmen,
something must be given for the profits of the undertaker of the
work who hazards his stock in this adventure. The value which the
workmen add to the materials, therefore, resolves itself in this
ease into two parts, of which the one pays their wages, the other
the profits of their employer upon the whole stock of materials and
wages which he advanced. He could have no interest to employ
them, unless he expected from the sale of their work something
more than what was sufficient to replace his stock to him; and he
could have no interest to employ a great stock rather than a small
one, unless his profits were to bear some proportion to the extent
of his stock.
The profits of stock, it may perhaps be thought are only a
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different name for the wages of a particular sort of labour, the
labour of inspection and direction. They are, however, altogether
different, are regulated by quite different principles, and bear no
proportion to the quantity, the hardship, or the ingenuity of this
supposed labour of inspection and direction. They are regulated
altogether by the value of the stock employed, and are greater or
smaller in proportion to the extent of this stock. Let us suppose,
for example, that in some particular place, where the common
annual profits of manufacturing stock are ten per cent, there are
two different manufactures, in each of which twenty workmen are
employed at the rate of fifteen pounds a year each, or at the
expense of three hundred a year in each manufactory. Let us
suppose, too, that the coarse materials annually wrought up in the
one cost only seven hundred pounds, while the finer materials in
the other cost seven thousand. The capital annually employed in
the one will in this case amount only to one thousand pounds;
whereas that employed in the other will amount to seven thousand
three hundred pounds. At the rate of ten per cent, therefore, the
undertaker of the one will expect a yearly profit of about one
hundred pounds only; while that of the other will expect about
seven hundred and thirty pounds. But though their profits are so
very different, their labour of inspection and direction may be
either altogether or very nearly the same. In many great works
almost the whole labour of this kind is committed to some
principal clerk. His wages properly express the value of this labour
of inspection and direction. Though in settling them some regard
is had commonly, not only to his labour and skill, but to the trust
which is reposed in him, yet they never bear any regular
proportion to the capital of which he oversees the management;
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The Wealth of Nations: Book 1
and the owner of this capital, though he is thus discharged of
almost all labour, still expects that his profits should bear a regular
proportion to his capital. In the price of commodities, therefore,
the profits of stock constitute a component part altogether
different from the wages of labour, and regulated by quite
different principles.
In this state of things, the whole produce of labour does not
always belong to the labourer. He must in most cases share it with
the owner of the stock which employs him. Neither is the quantity
of labour commonly employed in acquiring or producing any
commodity, the only circumstance which can regulate the quantity
which it ought commonly to purchase, command, or exchange for.
An additional quantity, it is evident, must be due for the profits of
the stock which advanced the wages and furnished the materials
of that labour.
As soon as the land of any country has all become private
property, the landlords, like all other men, love to reap where they
never sowed, and demand a rent even for its natural produce. The
wood of the forest, the grass of the field, and all the natural fruits
of the earth, which, when land was in common, cost the labourer
only the trouble of gathering them, come, even to him, to have an
additional price fixed upon them. He must then pay for the licence
to gather them; and must give up to the landlord a portion of what
his labour either collects or produces. This portion, or, what comes
to the same thing, the price of this portion, constitutes the rent of
land, and in the price of the greater part of commodities makes a
third component part.
The real value of all the different component parts of price, it
must be observed, is measured by the quantity of labour which
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they can, each of them, purchase or command. Labour measures
the value not only of that part of price which resolves itself into
labour, but of that which resolves itself into rent, and of that which
resolves itself into profit.
In every society the price of every commodity finally resolves
itself into some one or other, or all of those three parts; and in
every improved society, all the three enter more or less, as
component parts, into the price of the far greater part of
In the price of corn, for example, one part pays the rent of the
landlord, another pays the wages or maintenance of the labourers
and labouring cattle employed in producing it, and the third pays
the profit of the farmer. These three parts seem either
immediately or ultimately to make up the whole price of corn. A
fourth part, it may perhaps be thought, is necessary for replacing
the stock of the farmer, or for compensating the wear and tear of
his labouring cattle, and other instruments of husbandry. But it
must be considered that the price of any instrument of husbandry,
such as a labouring horse, is itself made up of the same three
parts; the rent of the land upon which he is reared, the labour of
tending and rearing him, and the profits of the farmer who
advances both the rent of this land, and the wages of this labour.
Though the price of the corn, therefore, may pay the price as well
as the maintenance of the horse, the whole price still resolves itself
either immediately or ultimately into the same three parts of rent,
labour, and profit.
In the price of flour or meal, we must add to the price of the
corn, the profits of the miller, and the wages of his servants; in the
price of bread, the profits of the baker, and the wages of his
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servants; and in the price of both, the labour of transporting the
corn from the house of the farmer to that of the miller, and from
that of the miner to that of the baker, together with the profits of
those who advance the wages of that labour.
The price of flax resolves itself into the same three parts as that
of corn. In the price of linen we must add to this price the wages of
the flax-dresser, of the spinner, of the weaver, of the bleacher, etc.,
together with the profits of their respective employers.
As any particular commodity comes to be more manufactured,
that part of the price which resolves itself into wages and profit
comes to be greater in proportion to that which resolves itself into
rent. In the progress of the manufacture, not only the number of
profits increase, but every subsequent profit is greater than the
foregoing; because the capital from which it is derived must
always be greater. The capital which employs the weavers, for
example, must be greater than that which employs the spinners;
because it not only replaces that capital with its profits, but pays,
besides, the wages of the weavers; and the profits must always
bear some proportion to the capital.
In the most improved societies, however, there are always a few
commodities of which the price resolves itself into two parts only,
the wages of labour, and the profits of stock; and a still smaller
number, in which it consists altogether in the wages of labour. In
the price of sea-fish, for example, one part pays the labour of the
fishermen, and the other the profits of the capital employed in the
fishery. Rent very seldom makes any part of it, though it does
sometimes, as I shall show hereafter. It is otherwise, at least
through the greater part of Europe, in river fisheries. A salmon
fishery pays a rent, and rent, though it cannot well be called the
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The Wealth of Nations: Book 1
rent of land, makes a part of the price of a salmon as well as wages
and profit. In some parts of Scotland a few poor people make a
trade of gathering, along the sea-shore, those little variegated
stones commonly known by the name of Scotch Pebbles. The price
which is paid to them by the stone-cutter is altogether the wages of
their labour; neither rent nor profit make any part of it.
But the whole price of any commodity must still finally resolve
itself into some one or other, or all of those three parts; as
whatever part of it remains after paying the rent of the land, and
the price of the whole labour employed in raising, manufacturing,
and bringing it to market, must necessarily be profit to somebody.
As the price or exchangeable value of every particular
commodity, taken separately, resolves itself into some one or other
or all of those three parts; so that of all the commodities which
compose the whole annual produce of the labour of every country,
taken complexly, must resolve itself into the same three parts, and
be parcelled out among different inhabitants of the country, either
as the wages of their labour, the profits of their stock, or the rent
of their land. The whole of what is annually either collected or
produced by the labour of every society, or what comes to the
same thing, the whole price of it, is in this manner originally
distributed among some of its different members. Wages, profit,
and rent, are the three original sources of all revenue as well as of
all exchangeable value. All other revenue is ultimately derived
from some one or other of these.
Whoever derives his revenue from a fund which is his own,
must draw it either from his labour, from his stock, or from his
land. The revenue derived from labour is called wages. That
derived from stock, by the person who manages or employes it, is
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called profit. That derived from it by the person who does not
employ it himself, but lends it to another, is called the interest or
the use of money. It is the compensation which the borrower pays
to the lender, for the profit which he has an opportunity of making
by the use of the money. Part of that profit naturally belongs to the
borrower, who runs the risk and takes the trouble of employing it;
and part to the lender, who affords him the opportunity of making
this profit. The interest of money is always a derivative revenue,
which, if it is not paid from the profit which is made by the use of
the money, must be paid from some other source of revenue,
unless perhaps the borrower is a spendthrift, who contracts a
second debt in order to pay the interest of the first. The revenue
which proceeds altogether from land, is called rent, and belongs to
the landlord. The revenue of the farmer is derived partly from his
labour, and partly from his stock. To him, land is only the
instrument which enables him to earn the wages of this labour,
and to make the profits of this stock. All taxes, and an the revenue
which is founded upon them, all salaries, pensions, and annuities
of every kind, are ultimately derived from some one or other of
those three original sources of revenue, and are paid either
immediately or mediately from the wages of labour, the profits of
stock, or the rent of land.
When those three different sorts of revenue belong to different
persons, they are readily distinguished; but when they belong to
the same they are sometimes confounded with one another, at
least in common language.
A gentleman who farms a part of his own estate, after paying
the expense of cultivation, should gain both the rent of the
landlord and the profit of the farmer. He is apt to denominate,
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The Wealth of Nations: Book 1
however, his whole gain, profit, and thus confounds rent with
profit, at least in common language. The greater part of our North
American and West Indian planters are in this situation. They
farm, the greater part of them, their own estates, and accordingly
we seldom hear of the rent of a plantation, but frequently of its
Common farmers seldom employ any overseer to direct the
general operations of the farm. They generally, too, work a good
deal with their own hands, as ploughmen, harrowers, etc. What
remains of the crop after paying the rent, therefore, should not
only replace to them their stock employed in cultivation, together
with its ordinary profits, but pay them the wages which are due to
them, both as labourers and overseers. Whatever remains,
however, after paying the rent and keeping up the stock, is called
profit. But wages evidently make a part of it. The farmer, by
saving these wages, must necessarily gain them. Wages, therefore,
are in this case confounded with profit.
An independent manufacturer, who has stock enough both to
purchase materials, and to maintain himself till he can carry his
work to market, should gain both the wages of a journeyman who
works under a master, and the profit which that master makes by
the sale of the journeyman’s work. His whole gains, however, are
commonly called profit, and wages are, in this case too,
confounded with profit.
A gardener who cultivates his own garden with his own hands,
unites in his own person the three different characters of landlord,
farmer, and labourer. His produce, therefore, should pay him the
rent of the first, the profit of the second, and the wages of the
third. The whole, however, is commonly considered as the
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earnings of his labour. Both rent and profit are, in this case,
confounded with wages.
As in a civilised country there are but few commodities of which
the exchangeable value arises from labour only, rent and profit
contributing largely to that of the far greater part of them, so the
annual produce of its labour will always be sufficient to purchase
or command a much greater quantity of labour than what
employed in raising, preparing, and bringing that produce to
market. If the society were annually to employ all the labour which
it can annually purchase, as the quantity of labour would increase
greatly every year, so the produce of every succeeding year would
be of vastly greater value than that of the foregoing. But there is
no country in which the whole annual produce is employed in
maintaining the industrious. The idle everywhere consume a great
part of it; and according to the different proportions in which it is
annually divided between those two different orders of people, its
ordinary or average value must either annually increase, or
diminish, or continue the same from one year to another.
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The Wealth of Nations: Book 1
Chapter VII
Of the Natural and Market Price of Commodities
here is in every society or neighbourhood an ordinary or
average rate both of wages and profit in every different
employment of labour and stock. This rate is naturally
regulated, as I shall show hereafter, partly by the general
circumstances of the society, their riches or poverty, their
advancing, stationary, or declining condition; and partly by the
particular nature of each employment.
There is likewise in every society or neighbourhood an ordinary
or average rate of rent, which is regulated too, as I shall show
hereafter, partly by the general circumstances of the society or
neighbourhood in which the land is situated, and partly by the
natural or improved fertility of the land.
These ordinary or average rates may be called the natural rates
of wages, profit, and rent, at the time and place in which they
commonly prevail.
When the price of any commodity is neither more nor less than
what is sufficient to pay the rent of the land, the wages of the
labour, and the profits of the stock employed in raising, preparing,
and bringing it to market, according to their natural rates, the
commodity is then sold for what may be called its natural price.
The commodity is then sold precisely for what it is worth, or for
what it really costs the person who brings it to market; for though
in common language what is called the prime cost of any
commodity does not comprehend the profit of the person who is to
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sell it again, yet if he sell it at a price which does not allow him the
ordinary rate of profit in his neighbourhood, he is evidently a loser
by the trade; since by employing his stock in some other way he
might have made that profit. His profit, besides, is his revenue, the
proper fund of his subsistence. As, while he is preparing and
bringing the goods to market, he advances to his workmen their
wages, or their subsistence; so he advances to himself, in the same
manner, his own subsistence, which is generally suitable to the
profit which he may reasonably expect from the sale of his goods.
Unless they yield him this profit, therefore, they do not repay him
what they may very properly be said to have really cost him.
Though the price, therefore, which leaves him this profit is not
always the lowest at which a dealer may sometimes sell his goods,
it is the lowest at which he is likely to sell them for any
considerable time; at least where there is perfect liberty, or where
he may change his trade as often as he pleases.
The actual price at which any commodity is commonly sold is
called its market price. It may either be above, or below, or exactly
the same with its natural price.
The market price of every particular commodity is regulated by
the proportion between the quantity which is actually brought to
market, and the demand of those who are willing to pay the
natural price of the commodity, or the whole value of the rent,
labour, and profit, which must be paid in order to bring it thither.
Such people may be called the effectual demanders, and their
demand the effectual demand; since it may be sufficient to
effectuate the bringing of the commodity to market. It is different
from the absolute demand. A very poor man may be said in some
sense to have a demand for a coach and six; he might like to have
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it; but his demand is not an effectual demand, as the commodity
can never be brought to market in order to satisfy it.
When the quantity of any commodity which is brought to
market falls short of the effectual demand, all those who are
willing to pay the whole value of the rent, wages, and profit, which
must be paid in order to bring it thither, cannot be supplied with
the quantity which they want. Rather than want it altogether,
some of them will be willing to give more. A competition will
immediately begin among them, and the market price will rise
more or less above the natural price, according as either the
greatness of the deficiency, or the wealth and wanton luxury of the
competitors, happen to animate more or less the eagerness of the
competition. Among competitors of equal wealth and luxury the
same deficiency will generally occasion a more or less eager
competition, according as the acquisition of the commodity
happens to be of more or less importance to them. Hence the
exorbitant price of the necessaries of life during the blockade of a
town or in a famine.
When the quantity brought to market exceeds the effectual
demand, it cannot be all sold to those who are willing to pay the
whole value of the rent, wages, and profit, which must be paid in
order to bring it thither. Some part must be sold to those who are
willing to pay less, and the low price which they give for it must
reduce the price of the whole. The market price will sink more or
less below the natural price, according as the greatness of the
excess increases more or less the competition of the sellers, or
according as it happens to be more or less important to them to
get immediately rid of the commodity. The same excess in the
importation of perishable, will occasion a much greater
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competition than in that of durable commodities; in the
importation of oranges, for example, than in that of old iron.
When the quantity brought to market is just sufficient to supply
the effectual demand, and no more, the market price naturally
comes to be either exactly, or as nearly as can be judged of, the
same with the natural price. The whole quantity upon hand can be
disposed of for this price, and cannot be disposed of for more. The
competition of the different dealers obliges them all to accept of
this price, but does not oblige them to accept of less.
The quantity of every commodity brought to market naturally
suits itself to the effectual demand. It is the interest of all those
who employ their land, labour, or stock, in bringing any
commodity to market, that the quantity never should exceed the
effectual demand; and it is the interest of all other people that it
never should fall short of that demand.
If at any time it exceeds the effectual demand, some of the
component parts of its price must be paid below their natural rate.
If it is rent, the interest of the landlords will immediately prompt
them to withdraw a part of their land; and if it is wages or profit,
the interest of the labourers in the one case, and of their
employers in the other, will prompt them to withdraw a part of
their labour or stock from this employment. The quantity brought
to market will soon be no more than sufficient to supply the
effectual demand. All the different parts of its price will rise to
their natural rate, and the whole price to its natural price.
If, on the contrary, the quantity brought to market should at
any time fall short of the effectual demand, some of the component
parts of its price must rise above their natural rate. If it is rent, the
interest of all other landlords will naturally prompt them to
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prepare more land for the raising of this commodity; if it is wages
or profit, the interest of all other labourers and dealers will soon
prompt them to employ more labour and stock in preparing and
bringing it to market. The quantity brought thither will soon be
sufficient to supply the effectual demand. All the different parts of
its price will soon sink to their natural rate, and the whole price to
its natural price.
The natural price, therefore, is, as it were, the central price, to
which the prices of all commodities are continually gravitating.
Different accidents may sometimes keep them suspended a good
deal above it, and sometimes force them down even somewhat
below it. But whatever may be the obstacles which hinder them
from settling in this centre of repose and continuance, they are
constantly tending towards it.
The whole quantity of industry annually employed in order to
bring any commodity to market naturally suits itself in this
manner to the effectual demand. It naturally aims at bringing
always that precise quantity thither which may be sufficient to
supply, and no more than supply, that demand.
But in some employments the same quantity of industry will in
different years produce very different quantities of commodities;
while in others it will produce always the same, or very nearly the
same. The same number of labourers in husbandry will, in
different years, produce very different quantities of corn, wine, oil,
hops, etc. But the same number of spinners and weavers will every
year produce the same or very nearly the same quantity of linen
and woollen cloth. It is only the average produce of the one species
of industry which can be suited in any respect to the effectual
demand; and as its actual produce is frequently much greater and
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frequently much less than its average produce, the quantity of the
commodities brought to market will sometimes exceed a good
deal, and sometimes fall short a good deal, of the effectual
demand. Even though that demand therefore should continue
always the same, their market price will be liable to great
fluctuations, will sometimes fall a good deal below, and sometimes
rise a good deal above their natural price. In the other species of
industry, the produce of equal quantities of labour being always
the same, or very nearly the same, it can be more exactly suited to
the effectual demand. While that demand continues the same,
therefore, the market price of the commodities is likely to do so
too, and to be either altogether, or as nearly as can be judged of,
the same with the natural price. That the price of linen and
woollen cloth is liable neither to such frequent nor to such great
variations as the price of corn, every man’s experience will inform
him. The price of the one species of commodities varies only with
the variations in the demand: that of the other varies, not only
with the variations in the demand, but with the much greater and
more frequent variations in the quantity of what is brought to
market in order to supply that demand.
The occasional and temporary fluctuations in the market price
of any commodity fall chiefly upon those parts of its price which
resolve themselves into wages and profit. That part which resolves
itself into rent is less affected by them. A rent certain in money is
not in the least affected by them either in its rate or in its value. A
rent which consists either in a certain proportion or in a certain
quantity of the rude produce, is no doubt affected in its yearly
value by all the occasional and temporary fluctuations in the
market price of that rude produce; but it is seldom affected by
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them in its yearly rate. In settling the terms of the lease, the
landlord and farmer endeavour, according to their best judgment,
to adjust that rate, not to the temporary and occasional, but to the
average and ordinary price of the produce.
Such fluctuations affect both the value and the rate either of
wages or of profit, according as the market happens to be either
overstocked or understocked with commodities or with labour;
with work done, or with work to be done. A public mourning
raises the price of black cloth (with which the market is almost
always understocked upon such occasions), and augments the
profits of the merchants who possess any considerable quantity of
it. It has no effect upon the wages of the weavers. The market is
understocked with commodities, not with labour; with work done,
not with work to be done. It raises the wages of journeymen
tailors. The market is here understocked with labour. There is an
effectual demand for more labour, for more work to be done than
can be had. It sinks the price of coloured silks and cloths, and
thereby reduces the profits of the merchants who have any
considerable quantity of them upon hand. It sinks, too, the wages
of the workmen employed in preparing such commodities, for
which all demand is stopped for six months, perhaps for a
twelvemonth. The market is here over-stocked both with
commodities and with labour.
But though the market price of every particular commodity is
in this manner continually gravitating, if one may say so, towards
the natural price, yet sometimes particular accidents, sometimes
natural causes, and sometimes particular regulations of police,
may, in many commodities, keep up the market price, for a long
time together, a good deal above the natural price.
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When by an increase in the effectual demand, the market price
of some particular commodity happens to rise a good deal above
the natural price, those who employ their stocks in supplying that
market are generally careful to conceal this change. If it was
commonly known, their great profit would tempt so many new
rivals to employ their stocks in the same way that, the effectual
demand being fully supplied, the market price would soon be
reduced to the natural price, and perhaps for some time even
below it. If the market is at a great distance from the residence of
those who supply it, they may sometimes be able to keep the
secret for several years together, and may so long enjoy their
extraordinary profits without any new rivals. Secrets of this kind,
however, it must be acknowledged, can seldom be long kept; and
the extraordinary profit can last very little longer than they are
Secrets in manufactures are capable of being longer kept than
secrets in trade. A dyer who has found the means of producing a
particular colour with materials which cost only half the price of
those commonly made use of, may, with good management, enjoy
the advantage of his discovery as long as he lives, and even leave it
as a legacy to his posterity. His extraordinary gains arise from the
high price which is paid for his private labour. They properly
consist in the high wages of that labour. But as they are repeated
upon every part of his stock, and as their whole amount bears,
upon that account, a regular proportion to it, they are commonly
considered as extraordinary profits of stock.
Such enhancements of the market price are evidently the
effects of particular accidents, of which, however, the operation
may sometimes last for many years together.
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Some natural productions require such a singularity of soil and
situation that all the land in a great country, which is fit for
producing them, may not be sufficient to supply the effectual
demand. The whole quantity brought to market, therefore, may be
disposed of to those who are willing to give more than what is
sufficient to pay the rent of the land which produced them,
together with the wages of the labour, and the profits of the stock
which were employed in preparing and bringing them to market,
according to their natural rates. Such commodities may continue
for whole centuries together to be sold at this high price; and that
part of it which resolves itself into the rent of land is in this case
the part which is generally paid above its natural rate. The rent of
the land which affords such singular and esteemed productions,
like the rent of some vineyards in France of a peculiarly happy soil
and situation, bears no regular proportion to the rent of other
equally fertile and equally well-cultivated land in its
neighbourhood. The wages of the labour and the profits of the
stock employed in bringing such commodities to market, on the
contrary, are seldom out of their natural proportion to those of the
other employments of labour and stock in their neighbourhood.
Such enhancements of the market price are evidently the effect
of natural causes which may hinder the effectual demand from
ever being fully supplied, and which may continue, therefore, to
operate for ever.
A monopoly granted either to an individual or to a trading
company has the same effect as a secret in trade or manufactures.
The monopolists, by keeping the market constantly understocked,
by never fully supplying the effectual demand, sell their
commodities much above the natural price, and raise their
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emoluments, whether they consist in wages or profit, greatly
above their natural rate.
The price of monopoly is upon every occasion the highest which
can be got. The natural price, or the price of free competition, on
the contrary, is the lowest which can be taken, not upon every
occasion, indeed, but for any considerable time together. The one
is upon every occasion the highest which can be squeezed out of
the buyers, or which, it is supposed, they will consent to give: the
other is the lowest which the sellers can commonly afford to take,
and at the same time continue their business.
The exclusive privileges of corporations, statutes of
apprenticeship, and all those laws which restrain, in particular
employments, the competition to a smaller number than might
otherwise go into them, have the same tendency, though in a less
degree. They are a sort of enlarged monopolies, and may
frequently, for ages together, and in whole classes of
employments, keep up the market price of particular commodities
above the natural price, and maintain both the wages of the labour
and the profits of the stock employed about them somewhat above
their natural rate.
Such enhancements of the market price may last as long as the
regulations of police which give occasion to them.
The market price of any particular commodity, though it may
continue long above, can seldom continue long below its natural
price. Whatever part of it was paid below the natural rate, the
persons whose interest it affected would immediately feel the loss,
and would immediately withdraw either so much land, or so much
labour, or so much stock, from being employed about it, that the
quantity brought to market would soon be no more than sufficient
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to supply the effectual demand. Its market price, therefore, would
soon rise to the natural price. This at least would be the case
where there was perfect liberty.
The same statutes of apprenticeship and other corporation laws
indeed, which, when a manufacture is in prosperity, enable the
workman to raise his wages a good deal above their natural rate,
sometimes oblige him, when it decays, to let them down a good
deal below it. As in the one case they exclude many people from
his employment, so in the other they exclude him from many
employments. The effect of such regulations, however, is not near
so durable in sinking the workman’s wages below, as in raising
them above their natural rate. Their operation in the one way may
endure for many centuries, but in the other it can last no longer
than the lives of some of the workmen who were bred to the
business in the time of its prosperity. When they are gone, the
number of those who are afterwards educated to the trade will
naturally suit itself to the effectual demand. The police must be as
violent as that of Indostan or ancient Egypt (where every man was
bound by a principle of religion to follow the occupation of his
father, and was supposed to commit the most horrid sacrilege if he
changed it for another), which can in any particular employment,
and for several generations together, sink either the wages of
labour or the profits of stock below their natural rate.
This is all that I think necessary to be observed at present
concerning the deviations, whether occasional or permanent, of
the market price of commodities from the natural price.
The natural price itself varies with the natural rate of each of its
component parts, of wages, profit, and rent; and in every society
this rate varies according to their circumstances, according to
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their riches or poverty, their advancing, stationary, or declining
condition. I shall, in the four following chapters, endeavour to
explain, as fully and distinctly as I can, the causes of those
different variations.
First, I shall endeavour to explain what are the circumstances
which naturally determine the rate of wages, and in what manner
those circumstances are affected by the riches or poverty, by the
advancing, stationary, or declining state of the society.
Secondly, I shall endeavour to show what are the circumstances
which naturally determine the rate of profit, and in what manner,
too, those circumstances are affected by the like variations in the
state of the society.
Though pecuniary wages and profit are very different in the
different employments of labour and stock; yet a certain
proportion seems commonly to take place between both the
pecuniary wages in all the different employments of labour, and
the pecuniary profits in all the different employments of stock.
This proportion, it will appear hereafter, depends partly upon the
nature of the different employments, and partly upon the different
laws and policy of the society in which they are carried on. But
though in many respects dependent upon the laws and policy, this
proportion seems to be little affected by the riches or poverty of
that society; by its advancing, stationary, or declining condition;
but to remain the same or very nearly the same in all those
different states. I shall, in the third place, endeavour to explain all
the different circumstances which regulate this proportion.
In the fourth and last place, I shall endeavour to show what are
the circumstances which regulate the rent of land, and which
either raise or lower the real price of all the different substances
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which it produces.
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Book One
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Chapter I
Of the Division of Labour
he greatest improvement in the productive powers of
labour, and the greater part of the skill, dexterity, and
judgment with which it is anywhere directed, or applied,
seem to have been the effects of the division of labour.
The effects of the division of labour, in the general business of
society, will be more easily understood by considering in what
manner it operates in some particular manufactures. It is
commonly supposed to be carried furthest in some very trifling
ones; not perhaps that it really is carried further in them than in
others of more importance: but in those trifling manufactures
which are destined to supply the small wants of but a small
number of people, the whole number of workmen must
necessarily be small; and those employed in every different branch
of the work can often be collected into the same workhouse, and
placed at once under the view of the spectator. In those great
manufactures, on the contrary, which are destined to supply the
great wants of the great body of the people, every different branch
of the work employs so great a number of workmen that it is
impossible to collect them all into the same workhouse. We can
seldom see more, at one time, than those employed in one single
branch. Though in such manufactures, therefore, the work may
really be divided into a much greater number of parts than in
those of a more trifling nature, the division is not near so obvious,
and has accordingly been much less observed.
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To take an example, therefore, from a very trifling
manufacture; but one in which the division of labour has been
very often taken notice of, the trade of the pin-maker; a workman
not educated to this business (which the division of labour has
rendered a distinct trade), nor acquainted with the use of the
machinery employed in it (to the invention of which the same
division of labour has probably given occasion), could scarce,
perhaps, with his utmost industry, make one pin in a day, and
certainly could not make twenty. But in the way in which this
business is now carried on, not only the whole work is a peculiar
trade, but it is divided into a number of branches, of which the
greater part are likewise peculiar trades. One man draws out the
wire, another straights it, a third cuts it, a fourth points it, a fifth
grinds it at the top for receiving the head; to make the head
requires two or three distinct operations; to put it on is a peculiar
business, to whiten the pins is another; it is even a trade by itself
to put them into the paper; and the important business of making
a pin is, in this manner, divided into about eighteen distinct
operations, which, in some manufactories, are all performed by
distinct hands, though in others the same man will sometimes
perform two or three of them. I have seen a small manufactory of
this kind where ten men only were employed, and where some of
them consequently performed two or three distinct operations.
But though they were very poor, and therefore but indifferently
accommodated with the necessary machinery, they could, when
they exerted themselves, make among them about twelve pounds
of pins in a day. There are in a pound upwards of four thousand
pins of a middling size. Those ten persons, therefore, could make
among them upwards of forty-eight thousand pins in a day. Each
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person, therefore, making a tenth part of forty-eight thousand
pins, might be considered as making four thousand eight hundred
pins in a day. But if they had all wrought separately and
independently, and without any of them having been educated to
this peculiar business, they certainly could not each of them have
made twenty, perhaps not one pin in a day; that is, certainly, not
the two hundred and fortieth, perhaps not the four thousand eight
hundredth part of what they are at present capable of performing,
in consequence of a proper division and combination of their
different operations.
In every other art and manufacture, the effects of the division of
labour are similar to what they are in this very trifling one;
though, in many of them, the labour can neither be so much
subdivided, nor reduced to so great a simplicity of operation. The
division of labour, however, so far as it can be introduced,
occasions, in every art, a proportionable increase of the productive
powers of labour. The separation of different trades and
employments from one another seems to have taken place in
consequence of this advantage. This separation, too, is generally
called furthest in those countries which enjoy the highest degree
of industry and improvement; what is the work of one man in a
rude state of society being generally that of several in an improved
one. In every improved society, the farmer is generally nothing but
a farmer; the manufacturer, nothing but a manufacturer. The
labour, too, which is necessary to produce any one complete
manufacture is almost always divided among a great number of
hands. How many different trades are employed in each branch of
the linen and woollen manufactures from the growers of the flax
and the wool, to the bleachers and smoothers of the linen, or to the
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dyers and dressers of the cloth! The nature of agriculture, indeed,
does not admit of so many subdivisions of labour, nor of so
complete a separation of one business from another, as
manufactures. It is impossible to separate so entirely the business
of the grazier from that of the corn-farmer as the trade of the
carpenter is commonly separated from that of the smith. The
spinner is almost always a distinct person from the weaver; but
the ploughman, the harrower, the sower of the seed, and the
reaper of the corn, are often the same.
The occasions for those different sorts of labour returning with
the different seasons of the year, it is impossible that one man
should be constantly employed in any one of them. This
impossibility of making so complete and entire a separation of all
the different branches of labour employed in agriculture is
perhaps the reason why the improvement of the productive
powers of labour in this art does not always keep pace with their
improvement in manufactures. The most opulent nations, indeed,
generally excel all their neighbours in agriculture as well as in
manufactures; but they are commonly more distinguished by their
superiority in the latter than in the former. Their lands are in
general better cultivated, and having more labour and expense
bestowed upon them, produce more in proportion to the extent
and natural fertility of the ground. But this superiority of produce
is seldom much more than in proportion to the superiority of
labour and expense. In agriculture, the labour of the rich country
is not always much more productive than that of the poor; or, at
least, it is never so much more productive as it commonly is in
manufactures. The corn of the rich country, therefore, will not
always, in the same degree of goodness, come cheaper to market
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than that of the poor. The corn of Poland, in the same degree of
goodness, is as cheap as that of France, notwithstanding the
superior opulence and improvement of the latter country. The
corn of France is, in the corn provinces, fully as good, and in most
years nearly about the same price with the corn of England,
though, in opulence and improvement, France is perhaps inferior
to England. The corn-lands of England, however, are better
cultivated than those of France, and the corn-lands of France are
said to be much better cultivated than those of Poland. But though
the poor country, notwithstanding the inferiority of its cultivation,
can, in some measure, rival the rich in the cheapness and
goodness of its corn, it can pretend to no such competition in its
manufactures; at least if those manufactures suit the soil, climate,
and situation of the rich country. The silks of France are better
and cheaper than those of England, because the silk manufacture,
at least under the present high duties upon the importation of raw
silk, does not so well suit the climate of England as that of France.
But the hardware and the coarse woollens of England are beyond
all comparison superior to those of France, and much cheaper too
in the same degree of goodness. In Poland there are said to be
scarce any manufactures of any kind, a few of those coarser
household manufactures excepted, without which no country can
well subsist.
This great increase of the quantity of work which, in
consequence of the division of labour, the same number of people
are capable of performing, is owing to three different
circumstances; first, to the increase of dexterity in every particular
workman; secondly, to the saving of the time which is commonly
lost in passing from one species of work to another; and lastly, to
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the invention of a great number of machines which facilitate and
abridge labour, and enable one man to do the work of many.
First, the improvement of the dexterity of the workman
necessarily increases the quantity of the work he can perform; and
the division of labour, by reducing every man’s business to some
one simple operation, and by making this operation the sole
employment of his life, necessarily increased very much dexterity
of the workman. A common smith, who, though accustomed to
handle the hammer, has never been used to make nails, if upon
some particular occasion he is obliged to attempt it, will scarce, I
am assured, be able to make above two or three hundred nails in a
day, and those too very bad ones. A smith who has been
accustomed to make nails, but whose sole or principal business
has not been that of a nailer, can seldom with his utmost diligence
make more than eight hundred or a thousand nails in a day. I have
seen several boys under twenty years of age who had never
exercised any other trade but that of making nails, and who, when
they exerted themselves, could make, each of them, upwards of
two thousand three hundred nails in a day. The making of a nail,
however, is by no means one of the simplest operations. The same
person blows the bellows, stirs or mends the fire as there is
occasion, heats the iron, and forges every part of the nail: in
forging the head too he is obliged to change his tools. The different
operations into which the making of a pin, or of a metal button, is
subdivided, are all of them much more simple, and the dexterity of
the person, of whose life it has been the sole business to perform
them, is usually much greater. The rapidity with which some of
the operations of those manufacturers are performed, exceeds
what the human hand could, by those who had never seen them,
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be supposed capable of acquiring.
Secondly, the advantage which is gained by saving the time
commonly lost in passing from one sort of work to another is much
greater than we should at first view be apt to imagine it. It is
impossible to pass very quickly from one kind of work to another
that is carried on in a different place and with quite different tools.
A country weaver, who cultivates a small farm, must lose a good
deal of time in passing from his loom to the field, and from the
field to his loom. When the two trades can be carried on in the
same workhouse, the loss of time is no doubt much less. It is even
in this case, however, very considerable. A man commonly
saunters a little in turning his hand from one sort of employment
to another. When he first begins the new work he is seldom very
keen and hearty; his mind, as they say, does not go to it, and for
some time he rather trifles than applies to good purpose. The
habit of sauntering and of indolent careless application, which is
naturally, or rather necessarily acquired by every country
workman who is obliged to change his work and his tools every
half hour, and to apply his hand in twenty differe...
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