This midterm covers the epic and literature from ancient cultures and civilizations. For the midterm, your assignment will to be to write an essay that is three to four pages in length on one of the following topics found in one of the prompts of your choice below. Your essay should include a clear introduction, a specific thesis statement, body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. Acknowledge a clear scholarly audience that seeks to learn how your point of view is relevant in our world today. Directly answer the prompt in the introduction by focusing on a specific aspect of the prompt. Focus on a particular stance of interpretation of the work based on the prompt. Present background information and an overview of what will be in the body paragraphs in the introduction. You can focus on any of the philosophical, thematic, ideological, psychoanalytical interpretations of the characters, as well as historical, religious, political, and ethical viewpoints in the essay based on one of the prompts. A clear thesis that specific states your point of interpretation is required at the end of the introduction. In the body paragraphs, there should be a clear transition sentence that connects the main idea in the last paragraph to the present. This statement clearly indicates the purpose of the paragraph. Bring in clear points from the plot to justify your claims through specific rhetorical appeals, strategies, and modes of analysis. Refute opposing views through various claims. Clearly and specifically describe and define all ideas and terms. Focus on key terms, as well as specific diction that the author uses to acknowledge and create certain concepts, along with certain ideals that should be analyzed, and certain ideologies in the literary work that stand out to prove your claims. All main points should be written in a chronological order of importance in the body paragraphs to build your point of interpretation. Conclude each body paragraph with a statement that describes how the paragraph proves your thesis. The conclusion paragraph should explain how your essay proved your argument. Call to action. Explain how your interpretation is relevant in our world today based on the timeless values and life lessons evoked in the work. You are required to have a works cited page. Cite the textbook and any other scholarly sources you use in the works cited page. You can use peer reviewed journals from the Troy library, books from the university's library, or other scholarly sources to support your own claims. If a scholarly source is referenced, it is required that the statement be placed in quotes in the paper.
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Beowulf's Motivations As An Epic Hero
People have different reasons why they do something. Many times we wonder why people do
what they do? The answer is motivation. Motivation can refer to the advantages one gets after
completing a task. People are motivated by different reasons; money, gifts, or power. However,
Beowulf, an epic hero, takes a different angle regarding his motivation. Several traits such as
supernatural strength, bravery, respect, born of nobility, and courage are what define heroism.
Beowulf's character is way beyond the other epic heroes due to his motivation factors. Everyone
wants to be a hero. We all want to be like those heroes that we see or have heard about in our
lives. Beowulf is also not different from us. The question is, what is our motivation behind what
we do? The action could be good, but the motive could be wrong. Our motivation determines
what we do and who we become.
The Anglo-Saxon culture had a code that defined who a hero was. The culture of the
Anglo-Saxon people believed that every person is a hero and has a duty and a purpose of
fulfilling. Therefore, Beowulf's ...