SCI 207: Dependence of a Man on the Environment

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Follow all guidelines, no plagiarism and make sure to add references, complete lab. Make this a word document.


Carefully review the Grading Rubric before beginning the assignment.

Read "Lab 3: Biodiversity." This lab will allow you to investigate how various organisms alter their environments. Additionally, it will allow you to assess the health of ecosystems based upon their biodiversity. Then, you will utilize this information and your eScience lab kit to complete Demonstration 1 and Experiment 1 on the Week Three Lab Reporting Form. Make sure to complete all of the following items before submission:

  1. Read through the introductory material.
  2. Perform Demonstration 1: Interdependence of Species using your eScience lab manual and kit.  
  3. Complete Table 1 and answer Post Lab Questions 1 through 3 in complete sentences on the Week Three Lab Reporting Form.
  4. Record your hypothesis for Experiment 1 on the Week Three Lab Reporting Form.
  5. Complete Experiment 1: Diversity of Plants using your eScience lab manual and kit.
  6. Complete Table 2 and answer Post Lab Questions 1 through 4 in complete sentences on the Week Three Lab Reporting Form.

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