ART1301 Columbia Southern University Military Paintings Art PPT Project

User Generated


Business Finance


Columbia Southern University


ART PowerPoint presentation- use powerpoint provided and continue the next 10 slides

Look at the uploaded PowerPoint presentation and continue the next 10 slides. Use the uploaded PowerPoint to start with and use the instructions below to incorporate the next part of the assignment.

(((For this assignment, you will select a theme and 3 additional military themed works of art ((PAINTINGS)) for your art gallery.)))

Place one Visual Elements slide directly after the artwork it describes.

Make sure you describe all of the visual elements. Questions to consider are included below: Line: Describe what kind of lines are in the artwork (vertical, horizontal, diagonal, thick, thin, etc.). What do the lines do? Do they lead your eye to something?

Shape: Describe what kind of shapes are in the artwork and where they appear. Are there circular shapes in clouds, rectangular shapes in buildings?

Light: Where is the light coming from? What is it highlighting?

Color: What colors are used? Are the colors bright, tints, muted? Are they different shades of one hue?

Texture: Is there a pattern on some area in the artwork? Is there a paint texture such as impasto?

Mass: Is the artwork heavier in one area?

Time: Is there anything in the artwork that gives the sense of time? Is it a daytime or nighttime scene?

Motion: Is motion depicted? Are people walking, running, floating, or climbing toward something?

You must use at least your textbook as an outside source. Be sure to follow APA format for all sources used, including the textbook. When adding your own opinion or observation, you will not need a citation as it is an original thought. Frank, P. (2014). Prebles’ artforms: An introduction to the visual arts (11th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Please submit your full presentation thus far, which should include the previous slides and the updated segments.

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Explanation & Answer

Please let me know if there is anything needs to be changed or added. I will be also appreciated that you can let me know if there is any problem or you have not received the work Good luck in your study and if you need any further help in your assignments, please let me know Can you please confirm if you have received the work? Once again, thanks for allowing me to help you R MESSAGE TO STUDYPOOL NO OUTLINE IS NEEDED AS IT IS A DISCUSSION Instructions – 100% completed Plagiarism check – 100% check – report attached Spell and Grammar check – 100% check using Grammarly


Job Hazard Analysis
Institutional Affiliation:


Job Title:

Analyst Name:


Job Description:
Ensuring that in case a fire breaks out in the premises, the various personnel around have been
placed in a safe place which is free from the fire. Ensuring that the fire that has broken out has
been put off.


Job Steps



Basic description of tasks

Description and effect of

Describe necessary controls

recorded in sequence

existing and potential

for each hazard using the

hazards based on

Hierarchy of Controls

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