PHSC Indigenous People Religious Beliefs and Practices Paper

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Pasco Hernando State College


Research two or three indigenous people groups in the world today. Briefly describe their location and cultural background, but put the main emphasis on their religious beliefs and practices.

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Indigenous people

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The Lakota people
The Lakota are a group of Native Americans that are located in North and South
Dakota. Another name for them is "Teton Sioux," which is derived from the Thítȟuŋwa
dialect. It is believed that the Lakota's ancestral lands are located in what is now North
Dakota, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and South Dakota (Peeler Clements, 2006).
Given their origins as nomads, the Lakota traditionally centered their lives and rituals around
the movements of the sun and stars. They got their first horses from the year 1700 and went
on to become a dominant power in the Missouri River Basin owing to their equestrian
prowess. People of the Lakota tribe already knew how to use horses and rifles by the year
1707 (Littlemeld, 2003). The Lakota devised a technique for hunting buffalo about the 18th
century. They were reliant on a vision from a religious leader to signal the start of bison
hunting season.
Religion and spirituality were not distinct entities for the Lakota people; rather, they
were an intrinsic part of their everyday lives. They held the view that all life, including
people and animals, descended from the earth and were thus intertwined with it. The Wakan
Tanka or Tunkashila, meaning the Great Spirit or the Great Mystery, has been at the heart of
their religious system. In addition to being the creator of the whole world, he was omnipotent,
holy, and mysterious. His manifestations included the sun, moon, stars, rocks, and the Earth.
The spirits known as Wakanpi aided the Wakan Tanka. They thought that
communications from humans were sent to Wakan Tanka through a holy pipe known as the
Cannupa Wakan, or sacred pipe. In many ways, the Wakanpi held complete authority over
the l...

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