HU Japan Demographic Challenges Discussion Boards

User Generated



Harvard University


Request: This request consists of discussion boards about Japan. There are 4 discussion questions which need to be answered separately (the professor provided the ONLY reference which you should use for each of them).You have in the attached document all the questions and the links to the article which should be used. Each discussion should be answered in around 1-2 paragraphs. In total, the entire work needs to be around 3 pages( all 4 discussions together). Please clearly separate the discussions as they will be posted separately.

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Answer each question, links/sources are provided to assist in answers. Please do not use other sources. 1. This week we examine the demographic challenges facing Japan today and in the future. Why is the population of Japan structured the way it is, what problems does this pose, and what can be done to address the issues? There appears to be a direct causal relationship between the treatment of women in Japanese society and its very low birth rate. Explain. What are possible solutions? 2. The rapid greying of Japanese society and decline in population pose serious challenges to Japan in many different areas. Explain some of these problems. Choose one and discuss what might be done to address it. 3. Prof. Yoshio Sugimoto points out that a major duality of Japanese culture is the profound division between traditional native culture and imported Western culture. He notes that this is a dichotomy evident in almost every sphere of cultural life in Japan today. What can be said to be intrinsically “Japanese” in the more wellknown traditional cultural pursuits? How have the Japanese attempted to preserve and invigorate these cultural pursuits in the face of foreign cultural imports and popular mass media? 4. Of all the traditional Japanese cultural elements that you have read about and studied, which one appeals to you or interests you the most? Why? How would you describe it to somebody who knows nothing about it? YIk9uSyc.vUGbfOVM.dpbs
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Explanation & Answer

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Japan Discussion Boards

Step one
➢ Demographic Challenges facing Japan
➢ References


Step two
➢ Challenges of an Ageing society
➢ References


Step three
➢ A Japanese traditional Treasure
➢ References


Step four
➢ Chanoyu Ceremony
➢ References


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Japan Discussion Board


Demographic Challenges facing Japan
The Japanese population is on the decline for the first time in more than a century. Most
of the population members are adults with reduced childbirths whereas the youths are more
engaged in economic activities neglecting the social life. The trend is due to the drastic changes
in the employment sector. A reduced children population will eventually mean an aged
population and a decline in the labor force in the future. The basic remedy for this unwanted
trend is to encourage marriages and childbearing, especially among the youth. The employment
sector should be flexible enough to allow players to have some social time to encourage
relationships which will eventually lead to sexual interactions and potential conception thereby
leading to more live births.
Over the years, women in Japan have been leadi...

Really useful study material!


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