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creating a php company website with php menus, assignment help
User Generated
develop the company php website.
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CMS Project: Part 1
For Part 1, develop the company website. The website needs to be developed to meet the
following requirements: 1. Review the grading rubric for more details on exactly how your
website will be assessed. 2. A biblical worldview must be reflected on the website. There are
many creative and unique ways to do this. 3. In order to meet its online goals, the company has
determined a minimum of 15 pages are necessary. 4. The website should clearly describe the
vision, goals, and objectives of the company. Examples of pages could be “about us,” “mission,”
“facts,” and/or “biographies.” 5. Strict W3C XHTML and CSS are expected. Every page should
exhibit the links to check compliance from 6. Web usability should be
considered on every aspect of the design and implementation. The website should be centrally
managed and use a single CSS style sheet to modify headings, paragraphs, font, and other styles.
Navigation should be simple and follow an F-design or similar optimal navigation scheme. 7.
The website should use the PHP “include” and/or “require” function to allow easy management.
a. Header.php containing the initial header development b. Menu.php containing the navigation
for the website c. Footer.php containing W3C validation icons for XHTML/CSS and a
timestamp of the last time the PHP file was modified 8. It is necessary to describe the product,
service offerings, and market these products and/or services. Search engines should be able to
crawl the site and be able to find the marketed products and services. The website should
advertise through multiple channels. This may include advertising through company
partnerships, using video demonstrations, and/or facilitating publicity through platforms like
social networking. a. Adding social networking icons will suffice as one channel b. Meta tags is
a second channel c. These are merely examples but whatever is chosen should be effective 9. The
website should incorporate an e-commerce solution that allows users to purchase products or
services online. A minimum of 10 items should be listed for sale. Items should have an accurate
picture, description, price, and quantity. 10. The e-commerce solution must include a checkout
process, where the user can add, update, and remove contents from the store shopping cart a. The
shopping cart process should be simple and easy to follow b. Users should get the total price
before checking out including calculated taxes CSIS 410 Page 3 of 5 11. An account
management solution and/or login page is required. The login account will facilitate customers,
publishers, and administrators. Access levels for each should be stored in a session. a. The
username and password should match this exactly: i. Username = “admin” Password = “admin”
(without the parentheses I should be able to login with admin admin) ii. “publisher” “publisher”
for the publisher account iii. “customer” “customer” for the customer account 12. A minimum of
two dynamic PHP forms should exist that have proper form validation (e.g. numbers only in a
numeric field or a “@” symbol required in an email address). a. Examples could be user signup,
contact, or application forms. b. The forms should meet specific business functions that parallel
the website’s theme. c. At least two types of number conversions and one type of currency
should exist within these forms. 13. A minimum of two control structures and two arrays should
be developed within the final solution that assists the overall objectives. These can be used to
support forms, account management, and/or e-commerce. 14. Each page of the website should
use a proper PHP function to show the date of last modification and include the W3C validation
icons for XHTML and CSS.
CSIS 410
Web Host
CSS Strict
0 points
Project must be developed on the student’s web host.
0 to 5 points
6 to 7 points
8 to 10 points
Student makes a
minimal attempt to
integrate a biblical
worldview into
his/her website
0 to 17 points
Student makes a
marginal attempt to
integrate a biblical
worldview into his/her
website solution. Less
than 2 paragraphs of
content or pages exist.
18 to 23 points
Student makes a strong
attempt to integrate a
biblical worldview into
his/her website solution.
Two or more complete
paragraphs or pages exhibit
a clear biblical worldview.
24 to 30 points
Inability to meet
minimum page
and/or nonprofessional
website content on
the required pages.
0 to 5 points
Minimum of 15 separate
web pages comprised of
the appropriate material
outlined in the
assignment instructions.
Acceptable requirements
were met on most pages.
6 to 7 points
Minimum of 15 separate
web pages. Every web page
meets the optimal project
Less than 10 pages
W3C compliant
and/or do not have
the compliant
0 to 11 points
Less than 15 pages W3C
compliant and/or do not
have the compliant
15 or more pages W3C
12 to 15 points
16 to 20 point
Multiple CSS files
and/or varying
template styles
exist across more
than 5 pages. Five
or more
inconsistent menus,
header, and/footer
0 to 5 points
Multiple CSS files
and/or varying template
styles exist across more
than 1 page. Inconsistent
menu, header, and footer
Every page is controlled by
the same CSS style sheet
with the same tags for the
same headings. The design
template is consistent
including the menus,
header, and footer.
6 to 7 points
8 to 10 points
Website exhibits
minimal marketing
channels and/or the
marketing strategy
does little to draw
customers to the
A minimum of 3
different types of
marketing channels are
used in the website
solution. Customers can
be drawn to the site if
they look hard enough
but the code does not
Superior search engine code
is present that allows the
site to be easily found given
its purpose. Four or more
quality marketing channels
are utilized to draw
customers to the website.
8 to 10 points
Page 1 of 3
CSIS 410
take full advantage of
search engine crawling.
Login Page
0 to 31 points
32 to 39 points
40 to 50 points
Minimal ecommerce
presence. Less than
5 items listed for
sale and/or
inaccurate product
0 to 11 points
Working e-commerce
solution present with a
minimum of 5 items
listed for sale. Items
have an accurate picture,
description, price, and
12 to 15 points
Fully functional ecommerce solution present
with a minimum of 10 items
listed for sale. Items have an
accurate picture,
description, price, and
16 to 20 points
A working login
page was not
constructed and/or
it is missing
sessions and levels.
0 to 11 points
An acceptable login
page is working but it is
missing 1 or more levels
of access and/or it does
not use sessions.
12 to 15 points
A working login page exists
that grants at least 3 levels
of access 1) customer 2)
publisher 3) administrator
Less than 2 forms
exist and/or the
forms do not have
proper validation or
number formatting
Two or more forms exist
with proper validation
but fail to meet a
business need in the
scope of the overall
solution or have
improper formatting. At
least 1 type of number
conversion and 1 type of
currency exist.
12 to 15 points
Two or more forms exist
with proper validation that
meet specific needs in the
scope of the overall function
of the business solution.
Proper number and format
currency is present. At least
2 types of number
conversions and 1 type of
currency exist.
16 to 20 points
The minimum
control structures
and arrays are
unmet and/or they
do not meet a
specific business
need in the scope of
the overall solution.
0 to 5 points
A minimum of 1 control
structure and 1 array
exists that meet a
specific business need
that parallels the overall
business strategy of the
website solution.
A minimum of 2 control
structures and 2 arrays exist
that meet a specific business
need that parallels the
overall business strategy of
the website solution.
6 to 7 points
8 to 10 points
Less than 10 pages
display a last
modified date using
a proper PHP
Less than 10 pages
display a last modified
date using a proper PHP
Every page shows a last
modified date using a
proper PHP function.
0 to 11 points
and Arrays
16 to 20 points
Page 2 of 3
CSIS 410
200 Points
Page 3 of 3
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